Virginia Tech Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

I wouldn’t expect a return to that 70% range anytime soon, considering VT set another record for number of applications this year. Common app and test optional look to be here to stay.


@BookHoarder I wonder if it’s because she applied RD? When my OOS daughter applied last year (business major) I remember reading some kind of a “sticky note” on the VT forum here on CC, that VT fills most of its enrollment from ED & EA. Hopefully your twins will fare better in the EA round. At a “tech” focused school, STEM majors are definitely more competitive admits.

The secret is out! With all the amazing applicants out there, my OOS daughter felt extremely fortunate to have been admitted. Looking back over the past 5 years or so of our high school’s Naviance, we used to hardly send anyone to VT, but Class of 2021 sent 13 kids!

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@CollegeNerd67 Once VT went with a 3-tier admissions setup, RD applicants had a very tough time getting offers. And admissions dept.'s at lots of schools seem to struggle at times with high-stats applicants - they may defer ED apps because they think the applicant may be merit shopping or have historic data that pairs demo and stats data which shows low acceptance of offers when they are made. Kind of a “this student won’t choose to go here if we offer them admission, so let’s look at the profiles that more closely match who will accept our offer” scenario. One could also see admissions thinking that an RD app from a really high stats kid was an afterthought application for VT to be a safety.


@MDTerp90 Thank you so much! Hit or miss is definitely an accurate description!

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@CollegeNerd67 Thank you and I hope they do! If not, they do have some great offers from some other schools.

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Does anyone have any true idea of when we will find out? I keep seeing next Friday for some reason?

Last year if was Friday February 19th so hoping that means its next Friday the 18th. Or maybe sooner??

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@NoVaMom73 @jnksmimzy VT has said that EA decisions will be available by 2/22, however they almost exclusively have announced on Friday’s at or after 5:00 PM. The good money is on 2/18. They usually post a teaser a couple hours prior on their socials.


Thank you… This is the last college we are waiting for.

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@ShenVal18 You still are interested with kids toys? :rofl: we are talking about colleges here :rofl: just kidding… I noticed you are so concerned about how VT is written or pronounced. I really admire that. :slight_smile: I should have said VT Countdown.

@jnksmimzy This is the best guess as of now. We will see.

I realized the emoji I selected when I responded to your post didn’t show up. Apologies - I reply in jest to all VTech or VaTech references.

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If I look at strictly what applies to us - OOS, Caucasian female with college of engineering application - 81% acceptance and 15% yield? But when I flip it to IS - it goes down to 32 and 61% yield% Can it really be? Strong preference for OOS? Why? Isn’t it usually the other way around? Plus it seems to be a recent trend. Has something changed in the school policy?

Great data… We also have a few options like CU Boulder, ASU, Penn State - all EA, Aerospace engineering, but we are waiting on VT here.

It’s not a preference for OOS females. They accept that many because the yield for that group is so low, and most from that group will not attend


is public health a newer program for undergrads? there isn’t much data on admissions.

Seems like a lot of OOS students enrolled in this past cycle. Most of my daughter’s friends are from OOS (as are most on her floor). I was worried she would feel out of place not being from VA but that hasn’t been the case (and in-staters have been very welcoming as well).

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The data shows that engineering (both genders) is showing a preference for OOS. The offer rate is significantly higher to out of state but the yield rates over the last 5 years for both IS and OOS are relatively steady - meaning VT is intentionally offering engineering spots to align with OOS tuition. This is unfortunate for Virginia engineering candidates as most state schools give higher preference to IS - making it harder to get in from Virginia but in our own state school seems to prefer OOS candidates. I’d rather they raise tuition and give top Virginia candidates the chance to attend.

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Playing devils advocate - Just wondering how we know anything about the applications that means there is a preference? How do we know if the in state applicants have equal qualifications as out of state? Seems like we have too much missing information to draw conclusions in my mind anyways. And if they know they get more declines out of state but want to keep a certain balance they may need to offer more spots because out of state tuitions are higher and applicants accept at lower clip? I am just thinking the schools need to stay afloat so they probably need a certain number at a certain tuition rate?


I am glad to read your post about OOS students actually attending and enjoying Virginia Tech. My daughter is an OOS applicant who hopes to receive an acceptance next week. If accepted I think she would seriously consider attending.

Virginia Tech’s website lists the most common states for OOS students: Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York. My D22 would be WAY out of state (Texas)! I think she looks forward to the challenge of being out of her comfort zone. As a parent, I just want her to fit in, to find her way, and to feel like she belongs.


We are from NC and most of my daughter’s friends are from MD & NJ. She also has friends from IL (Chicago) and MA. Virginia Tech has proven to be a very welcoming community in general, but my daughter has never felt like she had to play catch up because she’s from out of state. I think your daughter would feel welcomed at VT - especially if she’s lucky enough to get an in-person orientation, where she can meet a lot of fellow freshmen before moving to campus.

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