Virginia Tech early decision 2019

Has anyone heard if Virginia Tech will be releasing early decision results before 12/15 like they have done in the past? Thanks!

When they have released early it hasn’t been very much earlier - I would start checking about Dec. 10

Question on the ED app - within the status, I have noticed that periodically the self reported coursework date changes. Any sense of why that would be with no action on our part?

I noticed it happen on my sons application last year. I think it updates when they access it.

I have also noticed the date changing as well. It changed for the fourth time now this morning and I just hope it doesn’t mean anything negative.

Happens on our end too. Also hoping it’s not a problem.

Looks like VT early decision will be posted tomorrow between 4:00 and 5:00 PM (EST)!!! ???

I’m new to this, don’t have a clue yet. Where will it be posted? How do I find it?

You need to have set up your guest account on Tech portal - you should have received email instructions. Then, you check your portal at 5pm.

Hi, yes I applied ED for VTech and I just recieved my decision. I applied for College of Sciences with a major in Biological Sciences.

How did you receive this information? I’ve created a guest account but now I don’t know where to go to see what their decision is.

Go into guest account and you click on the application status page (from memory) and there will be a new section above the section that previously stated if SRAR was received and below header which say Name and that applied early decision. If accepted you will see all the info there.

This is Early Decision (Binding) that was released today … not Early Action which is in February just to be clear.

P.S. My daughter applied early action so no decision for her today.

She does have a friend that applied into non-engineering or biology major with 4.1 GPA 1300 SAT In-State and was deferred today Regular Admission

I don’t even know where I go to log in? There’s nothing on for a guest login. I made my account at but there isn’t anything to do other than change my contact information? I’m a bit confused honestly.

I’d honestly wait a little, check tomorrow? Perhaps it’s just sending at different times?

I have a 3.8 GPA and a 29 ACT I applied for Biological Sciences and I was deferred until Early Action (in-state) does this give me a better chance than those who were deferred until Regular Action?

defer to early action is normal - they wouldn’t defer until regular action. early action is where a majority of students are accepted.