I just got into VT

Stats: 3.1 GPA, no honors or ap, one college class
corp of cadets
captain of football team/ team mvp/ recipient of 1500 scholarship
3 jobs
numerous volunteering
great essays
From one of the best public HS in nj
1180 new sat

Accepted- general engineering
GPA 3.5 UW
Act math:35. English 26
Out of state

I will have taken 6 AP classes(2 Junior year, 4 Senior year) and 1 IB class(junior year) at the end of the school year… And I was deferred…

How can I tell what decision the admissions office made??

Deferred from BIT major (3.5 GPA, 1300 SAT, 7 AP classes)

How can I tell what decision the admissions office made??

whatisupdawg so you havent checked your admission status?

whatisupdawg have you already created a guest account because if you have not, you must do so in order to access admission decision.

@soccerfan88 No worries. They want to see the grades you make in those APs senior year 1st semester. I’m in the same situation as you.

I got into engineering!
ACT Math 29 English 34
GPA 3.95 UW

Got into CoE
1420 SAT
32 ACT
GPA 4.0, 4.42 uw/w
2 Summer Manufacturing Internships
Dually Enrolled CC/HS
In State SOVA

I’m in boys

Did you receive an email that a decision had been made or did something just change on the application page?

By applying early decision, does it effect potential scholarship money that they may offer?