Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

It happened to myself and my friend as well.


Ok, I thought maybe my son clicked on the wrong thing. But he said he followed the directions. Did you get an email confirmation about accepting the waitlist offer?

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where did you guys check the honors college decision?

Daughter Accepted
In State
General Engineering
GPA: 4.0/4 UW 4.60 W (now 3.98uw/4.63w)
Class Rank 1/368 (now 2/377)
Test Optional
Attends Public HS along with Governor School for Science and Technology for 11/12 math and science
9 AP credits, 8 DE credits (AP grade weight), 12 H credits
Calc BC, Multivariable Calc, Linear Algebra, College Calculus based Physics, Research Mentorship
ECs: Show Choir, Theater, Aerial Silks, Summer Internship, Animal shelter volunteer

VT is not currently her top choice, but that could change.


Yes, good money from USC, Auburn and Clemson.

Waiting on scholarship money from Georgia, NCSU and PSU (which is doubtful as they donā€™t give much).

Also got into UTK with lots of money and Alabama which was the highest scholarship $$ given.

So, I would have liked to have him closer to home and in state- heā€™s very fortunate to have lots of choices. I suppose it just feels like a slap in the face to be waitlisted as heā€™s an excellent student and his numbers fit right into VT. That said, I also realize there are crazy smart kids everywhere and we knew that he wasnā€™t on the next academic level above VTs level. Iā€™m happy for all that were admitted and life goes onā€¦and not gonna lieā€¦SEC sports are the BEST :slight_smile:

No email confirmation

does anyone know when regular decision comes out?

If anyone is still having issues. Admissions just got back to us that they are working still on getting updates corrected in the portal and it could take a few days. We still have no update in portal. Just wanted to share. and Go Hokies!


Thats terrible to prolong the wait!!! :cry:

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A polite request to decline acceptances asap if/when Va Tech is no longer an option. Lots of waitlisted kids still hopefulā€¦


Good point, as we may be doing this after some weekend discussions. Admitted to Engineering OOS but no merit I see, not to mention the $5300 in added yearly fees above OOS tuition. So, with PSU in-state and $16.5K merit from OSU OOS and a reasonable Purdue OOS, VT just doesnā€™t seem to bring the value for us. Too bad, as its a nice campus and townā€¦


We did the VT and GT student admission days back to back for my son when he made his decision. GT took almost all of his DE credits and because of that (and AP) he finished his undergrad in 3 years last May. My daughter didnā€™t want anything to do with GT, just because she didnā€™t want to follow her brother anymore. Even her common app essay was about being in the shadow of her brother.

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For sure!

3.87 UW/1490
Lots of DIVERSE ecs-varsity athletics, leadership, piano competition champion (state level, multiple years), scouts, leadership award from Archdiocese, worked through HS
phenomenal essaysā€¦.which I believe is key
Got into engineering at UMich, Purdue, Wisconsin, Texas, Colorado, and others. We are instate Mich, so thatā€™s probably where he is going. (No merit from VT) Just wanted to post for next year applicants. We have 646 graduates, 250 above 3.8 UW GPA, 97 National honor merit scholars (my son is commrmended) and 250 kids applied to UMich, all with similar stats as my kid. The essays made the difference. NO DOUBT.


Same situation here. DD admitted into Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology management with ~$5k merit. Still too expensive as an OOS student, as are UGA and UTK (even with the money UTK is offering). Currently deferred at NCSU where she will probably end up, provided she gets accepted.

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DD Accepted OOS for food science. Exciting but she is more interested in other schools right now.


we canā€™t do much about it but wait. UGHHHHHHH

DS accepted OOS, engineering/computer science 3.7UW/4.1W
Only $3K merit per year, COA is almost the same as WPI.
Now thinking which program is stronger and which university has more resources for Comp Sci, VT or WPI. Loved the compact WPI campus, internship opportunities and 1,5 hour away from home. I wonder if being closer to big cities gives more job opportunities.
Accepted to U.of Pitt, U of Minnesota and U of Delaware, waitlisted at Umass Amherst, denied at UMD.


I am SO sorry. This is so awful. I hope it gets resolved asap and you have good news to share soonā€‹:heart::heart:

@TheMonaLisa @Jconnor3 Our son is waitlisted, in-state northern VA. We had a panic attack too about the page that said it was only for Non-Degree and Agricultural Tech applicantsā€¦that is SO strange and still concerning to me even though we went back through his app again and confirmed he did everything correctly. Iā€™m somewhat relieved to hear heā€™s not the only one. We still plan to call admissions next week if it still shows that.