Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

DS Accepted GenEng/AeroInterest

OOS (SFBayArea) - public HS
GPA 3.96 UW, 4.68 W
SAT 1550
10 APs/7 honors (incl. multi DE)
Great ECs in leadership and community service, but not STEM/no internships
Part-time job
Year-round athlete varsity/club


Kid accepted
GPA: 4.0/4 UW 4.63 W
Class Rank 15/370
SAT 1530
Public HS 12 APs by the end of senior year, 1 college course
Sport and clubs and a few hundred volunteer hours plus leadership experience
Also received a $3k merit which sounds like the Provost award


Daughter accepted
GPA: 4.2/4.0 UW 4.78 W
Class Rank: 11/745
ACT: 33
Public HS; 14 APs by end of senior year; so far 9 APs - 7 (5s) and 2 (4s)
2 Sport Varsity athlete - Volleyball and Basketball (Freshman)
250+ Community service hours
Also received $12k merit


Let us know what you find out! My son sent an email. Iā€™ll let you know if he hears back from anyone. Oh and apparently, he selected ā€œyes to waitlistā€ and submitted it a couple of times thinking it didnā€™t go through. Hope it doesnā€™t mess it up for him!


If you look now there is a message saying they know there are some issues with people being misdirected to that page. We were now able to see the waitlist form.


The website says itā€™s a separate admission that comes shortly after.

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We see it now. When you submitted to stay on the waitlist, do you still see the "Take Action Reply to Waitlist with the ā€œYour Responseā€ button?

I think your kid will be fine at GT! My in state senior just got his 4th 4.0 semester letter and he is an engineering major. He has over a 3.8, and has done very well and had a great time. If your kid got in OOS he can handle it. You can major in anything to go to med school. My husband (a MD) was a microbiology major. My sister (also a MD but a little more savvy) majored in psychology with the football players (and was in a study group with and asked out by Tiki BarberšŸ˜‚). Undergrad major doesnā€™t matter. Choose the easiest one!

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Check the box to be considered for the Honors College on your VT Undergraduate Admissions application or the Common App. Please note that first-year students who meet the criteria for admission to the Honors College will receive a separate Honors College decision notification soon after their Virginia Tech admissions decision. Additionally, if invited, your decision to accept or not accept your Honors College invitation will not affect your Virginia Tech admissions decision.

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Should have said YES to TIKIā€¦ nothing would matter nowā€¦ he might have been inducted to the HOF, I have no ideaā€¦ Iā€™m getting old! :wink:

I looked at the community page from last year, and there was a tab for Honors. I guess if itā€™s not here, no invitation. Itā€™s just odd that no one here has posted that they/their child was accepted to honors this year. Anyone out there see an honors decision?

I got waitlisted for Tech and it brought me to that Agtech page. Unfortunately I accidentally clicked start new application and now it wont let me see my EA decision at all. Just showing me my application portal for the Agriculture application thing. I emailed them i just really hope this wonā€™t withdraw my EA appā€¦

DD accepted OOS
Major: Psychology
4.35 W/3.75 UW
6 APs
Tons of ECs, volunteer hours and leadership
Awesome VT essays


Just an FYI about the Honors program, for those whose decisions are hanging on that - VT will send an invite to apply to students whose gpaā€™s are 3.6 or higher (I believe that is the gpa threshold), so there are opportunities to join the Honors program once they are VT students. My daughter got an invite after first semester freshman year (she declined). If youā€™re on the big Facebook parent page for VT, you can search the Honors program and find a ton of discussions on it. Depending on the major, it may or may not add any value.

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He is kind of a disaster and she is happy she avoided it but we still laugh about it - and I am happy he is not my brother in law. Still choose the easy major for med school!

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We replied a couple times and then gave up. Just went back in and now it says ā€œYour Responseā€. Iā€™m assuming that means she is on the waitlist.

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Did anyone get an email from admissions about their decisions being posted? Like ā€œan update has been madeā€? I havenā€™t got anything

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Kind of stupid if they donā€™t put honors right away, no?

I meanā€¦ even a couple hours later if they give my kid honorsā€¦ heā€™s probably turned off enough to move on.

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They posted that the redirect to the Non-Degree Ag Tech page is a known error and theyā€™re working on fixing it.


Really, kind of stupid to update the portal the weeks of release/notificationā€¦ kind of fails the IQ test in my opinion.