Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

DD accepted to Communications!
OOS, test optional
3.8 W/4.3 UW
3 APs, rest of classes all Honors
NHS, decent ECs w/ leadership, 2 varsity sports, works part time
VT essays = :+1:


Multiple students with varying majors are saying the same thing. Would you mind posting the results of the phone call please. We can at least avoid overwhelming the admissions office.


Accepted Business 1310 SAT, 3.6 GPA


Just saw a new line on my daughter’s VT portal: “You are invited to join the Honors College. More information will be provided to you soon directly from the Honors College”.

Does it mean she is in? Not quite sure.

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Congrats to your daughter! My son’s portal says he is not invited to join the HC, so I’d assume your daughter is in!


Just saw the Honors College invite on the portal.
Anyone have any insight with HC at Tech?


My daughter got a message “An admission decision is available on your VT applicant portal” at 5:19pm their time.

DD23 accepted OOS!


DD23 is accepted into General engineering - interest in Biomedical Engineering. 1430 SAT, 4.0 UW and 4.8 W.


Son accepted!!! OOS for Environmental Science! So happy and proud!


Seeing lots of acceptances (congratulations!) and wait-lists (congratulations!). Did anyone get denied? Trying to figure out if wait list means anything really.


Does anyone know when we can register for Hokie Focus?

We had the same experience. Glad to hear that were not alone. Son definitely wants to stay on the WL. Hoping people pull applications if they know for sure they wont accept!

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@Jconnor3 Yes, if the “Non-Degree and Agricultural Technology Application Management” heading is not already taken care of by Monday, my son will call and I will be happy to share what they say.


Re waitlist chances—- The post further up is correct about last year’s Common Data Set. This is it, and it says 2458 applicants were waitlisted, 592 accepted a spot on the waitlist and then 592 were admitted. That can’t possibly be right. I know I’ve seen posts about kids who remained on the waitlist last year and never got in. It seems plausible that 592 were ultimately accepted and enrolled, but they must‘ve mistyped the number of applicants who accepted a spot on the waitlist. It had to be more than 592. Regardless, the Waitlist Q&A on VT’s website makes it even more confusing since it says (as someone posted above): “Last year, we were able to offer 2,458 applicants from the waitlist.” That doesn’t even make sense. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Agree that the language and the numbers are pretty misleading. From what I can tell on this thread it seems as though no one got rejected/denied. Either you were accepted or you were offered a spot on the waitlist. The number accepting the spot on the waitlist would far exceed 2,500.

My guess is that last year they had ~600 spots still to fill and went to the waitlist and offered spots to ~2,500 kids (of what was likely a waitlist of 10K or so). Keep in mind that’s “all school” - there’s no telling from any of the data what program the 600 spots came from need to fill.

IMO that’s the most logical interpretation of the numbers.

Congratulations!! Our son was also accepted into General Engineering with an interest in Biomedical.

OOS, 3.73 UW/ 4.5 W, 1440 SAT, 9APs, decent ECs/ volunteering.

He’s also in at Purdue, UMD (in-state) and OSU (with merit). Some tough decisions to make in the coming months.


Son was accepted into engineering. :slight_smile:
4.0 UW GPA
1/80 class rank
1450 SAT


My friend whose son goes to a different high school in our county said 4 of his friends were denied while he and some of his other friends were waitlisted. It definitely seems like a very high number of waitlisted kids this year. We know so many.


Thank you - helpful information! Gives some hope that the kids that got waitlisted might actually be “in the hunt” rather than it being a soft rejection.

