Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

They replied he is all set and will hear regular decisions. Anyone know when those come out. :<

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I think mid March. We decided to add VaTech after dd did not get in her ED school so missed the EA deadline.

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My heart is breaking for my daughter, who applied ea to several engineering programs. She has a 1500 sat, a 4.2 gpa, attends a top achieving magnet high school, is a state level achieving athlete and holds down a part time job. With all this she was waitlisted at VA tech, rejected from UVA, MIT and GT. She got into Tex. A&M but with no aid despite an almost $30k gap with our fafsa numbers. We cannot afford their tuition. She is a twin, her brother was accepted to 3 of the 5 schools he applied to with a 1290 sat, and a 4.1 gpa. Heā€™s gotten merit aid from all three schools and is still waiting to hear back from 2 more schools. How is this happening and what do I tell my daughter to do?


Maybe get in touch with the guidance counselor at her school for additional insights or suggestions?

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It can be really tough as a parentā€¦ I think the thing to do is to recognize her disappointment, but to not give her the impression that this is a disaster. Itā€™s a disappointment, and thereā€™s a big difference. Sheā€™s going to be fine.

First thing, it looks like you are in state in Virginia. I would put an application into VCU. One of my S23ā€™s friends older sister was in the exact same situation your daughter is in now ā€“ high stats, did not get into anywhere, and she didnā€™t find this out until April. They scrambled, applied to VCU, got in for biomedical engineering with the intention of transferring. Instead sheā€™s now in her second year there and loves. Got involved in research her first year, applied to the honors college and is having the time of her life with a great summer internship lined up.

You also have the option of community college for two years with a guaranteed admission to UVA or Virginia Tech.

She can be disappointed, thatā€™s normal and healthy, just make sure you donā€™t panic, and model calm behavoir and how to face disappointment.


I will do that. Thanks for the idea.

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You could look at what schools are still taking applications as well. I know places like Arizona have great merit for high GPA and I personally think itā€™s a great engineering school. :slight_smile: There is also still a chance at VT as it sounds like some do come off waitlist, but you canā€™t depend on that, of course.


MIT rejects almost everybody. Same with Georgia Tech out of state. The admit rate for Georgia Tech for EA OOS was 10%. Engineering is usually a very competitive major even at schools that are historically not so competitive overall. This is not a commentary on your highly qualified daughter. She has just applied to some very competitive schools.

Arizona app open until 5/1 as well as the merit in pic.


Had a similar situation with a friendā€™s kid, who didnā€™t get into VT, UVA, or any other schools for engineering. He did a last minute application to Penn State Engineering and got in and is in the middle of his 2nd semester there and loves it. Hang in there!


Penn State would be almost as expensive as Texas A&M.

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As @AJinVA said, Arizona is an excellent option with very good merit aid. Arizona State is also an option, also 5/1 deadline, and the merit aid is not quite as good, but still decent.

Basically, there are always options.

Also, thereā€™s a great thread on the board about a high achieving kid who did not get in anywhere, took a very productive gap year and then got into a few Ivyā€™s afterwards.

The biggest takeaway should be that, you can always keep moving forward, even after stumbles.


Did the counselor at your HS say that VT and UVA were matches for instate? OOS, GT-engineering and MIT are reaches for everyone, so the results there are not surprising, but UVA and VT in state should have been more predictable. UVA(all applicants) and VT-Engineering typically like students to have taken the highest rigor (STEM for ENG) courses available, and done well, with great AP scores where applicable. HS gpas vary widely: the 4.2 could be average or even below average at the magnet school(a magnet in our area of Virginia has a median GPA of 4.4), so that could make those schools out of reach.

If her GPA was in the range that usually gets acceptances from UVA and VT then it makes me concerned about LORs. Please reach out to the counselor and see if they will give you their honest assessment. There is still time for her to get in other apps and/or send another LOR to VT.

I agree with the VCU plan! Itā€™s a great Engineering school with lots of options. Or, she may get off of the WL at Tech.


Agree with most everything you saidā€¦ except the LoR, VT doesnt read LORā€™s (admissions statement).


Oh! didnā€™t know thatā€“neither of mine applied. Too bad; I think they can be helpful.

I really can relate. Our daughter is #2 in her class and was waitlisted. She has a 4.7 and 9 ap, one dual enrollment. She is captain of the tennis team, many leadership positions and EC. Both her dad and I are VT graduates. She doesnā€™t know what she did wrong. It is just crazy.

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Hereā€™s a great link for late application schools, might give some options!

Great advice already posted here. My son got waitlisted (engineering) at VT after EA, it was his #1 and heā€™s devastated. But we wonā€™t let him dwell after this weekend and go check out accepted student days at the schools he has gotten into. Whatā€™s meant to be, will be, weā€™ve been telling him. Good luck to your daughterā€¦sounds like any school will be lucky to have her.


What major did she apply to? That is incredible!

Congrats! My daughter only got $3K, so VATech is a no go for us. We are down to 3 schools now - UMass, Delaware, and NC State.

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One possibility could be yield protection. VT might be trying to protect their yield and thinking that with your daughters high stats, she is more interested in some of the other schools you mentioned with lower acceptance rates. This could be the reason for being waitlisted vs rejected. I bet that once the school knows sheā€™s still interested, sheā€™ll ultimately be admitted. Just my opinion.