Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

She applied for Pamplin school of Business. Not sure what her chances for EA. But at least its not binding anymore and she can explore other schools.

Major: Business Undecided
GPA: 4.0 (Weighted)
SAT: 1410 (750 Math, 660 Reading)
12 AP’s and decent EC.


My daughter just found out sh me wad deferred to EA as well, psychology. She’s super bummed

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deferral here, too. out of a group of five friends, including my son, one acceptance and four deferrals.

interestingly, i was just reading VT’s website and it says the majority of its applicant pool is through EA and that’s where they issue the majority of their acceptances – so i’m hopeful that there is still a good chance for acceptance (and maybe an extra credit for being willing to commit with ED) but who knows. i have known many kids who didn’t get into vt but did get accepted to higher ranking schools and with scholarship offers, so i constantly feel like acceptance at vt is a total crap shoot and mystery.


I am shocked she was deferred with those stats! Yes, now that it’s no longer binding, she can look at other options! Much luck to her!

My son was deferred to EA for the college of engineering. It’s going to be a long wait until the end of February.


My son got in! We’re super proud. He’s College of Engineering.

4.0 Unweighted (about 4.6 weighted)
1370 SAT (1380 superstore)
15 APs
Eagle Scout
2 sports and several other ECs
Works about 10 hours a week as well
Already awarded a 4-year NROTC scholarship
Applied to Corps of Cadets

For those deferred, keep your chins up! A LOT of kids get deferred and EA makes up a huge portion of the admitted students!


Well my son was accepted!

However, in a weird twist, he had accidentally put Explore Science (Undecided) instead of engineering… so that’s what he got accepted too. That’s pretty much my kid in a nutshell. Lol.

He’s still actually pretty happy b/c before we started applying to places he was trying to decide between engineering and biology and decided to go with engineering because it would be easier to switch to something else later.


I wonder why they deferred to EA and not make a decision for ED- for yield purposes it would make sense to accept during the ED phase rather than delay the decision. Wonder if they ran out of time to review.

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Congratulations to him DadBodThor!

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My kiddo was deferred to EA as well. He was definitely bummed as VT has been his top choice all along. Thankfully he got an admit to UDelaware yesterday so it took the sting off a little from VT’s decision.
We know of mostly deferrals in our NoVA area and only know one kid that got in to VT (she’s majoring in Business, she’s dual legacy).
I agree with others from a yield perspective it makes sense to take kids via ED that have good qualifications. All the kiddos I know deferred all are strong applicants.


I’m sorry to hear of your kid’s deferral! But it’s not a no, so he’ll likely be on top in the EA round!

Yikes about hearing mostly deferrals among strong applicants! That would make the EA round even more competitive then! Eeek!

I am just curious….has anyone heard of rejections from the ED round? I am wondering if they deferred everyone that wasn’t accepted or if they did only defer those that have a chance to get in during EA.

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Penn State is a great college. Congrats to your daughter! My daughter went there years ago.
Tech is getting harder and harder to get in. The admission rate for instate was 44% for 2021. Last year, I think the rate could be lower than that. This year, it might be even lower…


Agreed we are from Virginia so familiar with both

Everyone we know was deferred and from what I understand, all ED applicants are deferred to EA. If you don’t get an offer during EA, that’s it. We are aware of a legacy that got deferred during ED and then got in EA, but at that point she decided to go somewhere else.

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HAS VA Tech announced ED results

Any reason why the ED acceptance rate is high on deferral. Will the deferrals be accepted later? When will we know the EA decision

It’s because there are so many more applicants over the last couple years. Around the same number of accepts but many more applications. They defer them to EA because they don’t know how many eventual applications there will be, or how good the candidates will be, so they want to keep the ED candidates in the pool.

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that would make the EA pool very competitive> Sending ED applicant to EA pool seems not a good strategy.

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For those who have been accepted, will you apply for scholarships? My DC is extremely busy with school work and he is not interested in applying. I am wondering if it worth the effort to put in applications. There are so many of them on Tech website and when I opened them, most are not relevant.

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