Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Yes, RD is only if they don’t fill all the spots from ED and EA. Given the increase in applications the last few years, hard to imagine they don’t get enough ED/EA applicants.

“Since most offers of admission are extended to Early Action applicants, applicants who apply Regular Decision are considered on a space-available basis only.”

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Take a look at the acceptance rate by major. VT is one of a few schools that admits by major AND shares that data. If you are looking at a very popular major, the chances are low, but if you are looking at a less prescribed major, maybe not. My DS also found VT late and applied RD for Fish Conservation (has applied for marine bio elsewhere), which has an 85% acceptance rate. But it all still depends on how many applied and how many were already admitted. VT put 14,000 on its waitlist last year and admitted 3,000 of those students. That’s quite unusual. Also, EA notices come out late Feb and RD are released 2 weeks later. I’m thinking, they may review them altogether, but who knows. Best of luck to your student. Worth a shot in my book!

Thank you so much for this information. Wow, great data! I’m not sure how the rest of you are so well versed on this process!

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For whatever reason, VT has had a hard time predicting their yield. They were very overenrolled a few years ago and had to put freshman up in local hotels because they ran out of dorms. I suspect that is why they take a lot of kids from the WL. They are using it to manage enrollment and prevent a huge miscalculation in yield.


My daughter was accepted under Early Action with a Nanoscience major, 3.8 GPA. She was deferred ED. We got her EA decision in December since we attended VT Fall Visitation.




What was fall visitation?

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It’s an invitation-only open house in October. They hand out the ED decisions when you’re there. We were deferred under ED that day. But we got the EA acceptance in the mail the week before Christmas.


@sbg11711 wow that must’ve been upsetting to be invited but then get a deferral in person. It was hard enough getting that deferral in the privacy of our own home. Congratulations on your daughter’s EA acceptance! Nice gift for the holidays. :blush:

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Yes!!! She was completely devastated. There were 8 kids from her school that went. 5 got accepted and 3 did not. Her 2 best friends were accepted that day. It was brutal. Thank you for your kind words. :slight_smile:

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That seems cruel. Kids should be able to open them in private not in front of a crowd. Policy seems not student focused.


My assumption is that it isn’t opened in front of everyone… but yeah, that’s gotta be hard.

@sbg11711 - did she get feedback from the AO there in person on ways to strengthen her application for EA? That’s the only reason I can see for doing that sort of invitation only event. Michigan State’s AO came to my son’s school to deliver their notifications in person for submissions done in October, with the idea that they’d give feedback on how to strengthen the app.

It was in 2018/19, the first year they offered ED. In the next 2019/20 admissions cycle they tighten up with their acceptance offers. Subsequent cycles due to TO they have been flooded with applications.

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Virginia Tech has had Early Decision for a very long time, well before 2018/19.

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It might have been the year they allowed applications via the common app - 2020. I know they had issue with housing, but I think that has now been resolved.

I think you’re right about it being the first year that they participated in the Common App.

Everyone applying should keep in mind that VT only guarantees housing for freshman. It’s difficult to remain on campus after freshman year (exceptions are RA’s and a few of the LLC’s that have a 2-year commitment, and the Cadets). Expect to pony up for off campus housing after that. Apartment rents can go from $550/month up over $1,000/ month depending on how far from campus your kid is willing to go and how fancy the complex is. I believe the university has plans for an additional on campus housing “village”, but I don’t think they’ve broken ground.

Every year there are quite a few parents that are surprised by this.


I see they say online late February…anyone know the exact date?

Know with certainty? No. Going back to the thread from last years announcement it was on Friday, 2/18. Should indicate Friday 2/17 this year or possibly pushed forward another week to 2/24.


Did anyone who got deferred from ED to EA also apply to JMU? Thankfully our son got that EA acceptance today and his Penn State one before Christmas, so at least that has boosted his confidence. Hoping for the VT decision on 2/17, similar to last year. Thanks @Mashinations for sharing that history. Time sure goes by fast when you don’t want it to and painfully slow when you are anxiously awaiting something! Hurry up February!


Congrats to your son! Both are great schools