Virginia Tech Fall Transfer 2021

Got into Pamplin!

Here are my stats-

Major - Finance and political science.
GPA - college (4.0) -56 credit hours in college in my first year, all core classes. (Took summer classes)
ECs - President and founder of the largest club in college. (Investment club with 25k in assets).
Did economic research study which including a human study of 25 students over a 3-month long period (published).
Student government senator.
Class tutor.
Worked with local schools to help students understand finance and how to invest at a younger age in rural American towns.
Worked with an international nonprofit organization to translate documentaries and speeches for 5 years including this year with 50 members across the world collaborating for an event that was viewed live by over 5 million people worldwide.
Awards - Presidents List, top-of-the-class freshmen.
Recommendations - Math department chair, Finance Department chair, and theology prof (went to Yale and Harvard).
Essay - 9.5/10 - as said by my profs.
Also, the first person in the family to graduate high school and first-gen college student. Lived in Nepal, Dubai, and DC. Refugee in America because the Chinese communist party took over our house in Nepal and threatened our lives.

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Are you planning on going ?


VT is my safety but apparently, everyone and their mothers are getting waitlisted. So I’m not sure how this admissions season is gonna go. I also applied to UVA, NU, Yale, Upenn, and Columbia so if I get into any of them, then I’m not gonna go to VT.

When did transfers start getting off the waitlist last year?

Got in the College of Science as a Math major!


Current school: Hofstra University (current freshman)

1st semester GPA: 4.0
This semester: probably 3.7ish
Plenty of extra curriculares and work experience from pre-COVID, plus credits for AP Goverment and AICE History (A and AS) from high school.

This was my safety. If I get into UVA that’s probably my go to.

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Finally got in. 5th times the charm I guess.


They accepted half of what they normally accept. So my question is does that mean they’re going to take more kids off the waitlist or did they **w the transfer students.

Just curious…did you receive an email with that info?

Nah a buddy of mine knows someone at tech admissions

Nice! I wonder then if they will use the WL more?

accepted half of what they normally accept for freshman or for transfers?

Transfers. They admitted a lot more freshman this year

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Everyone turn this into a VT waitlist chat and drop your stats if u get taken off.

My Daughter got accepted as a Public health major! She has a borderline college gpa but I think 1. It is not a competitive major at all and 2. She completed most of the classes in Hs doing Dual enrollment she got in! First at East Carolina now on to tech!


Hopefullhokie!!! Finally - - after the long wait of getting in I hope its everything you hoped!!

I heard they are bringing back football games just for you!

As I believe was stated previously - transfer is going to be harder this year because you also have deferred students who elected to hold off last year now coming in. This is one of the most unique acceptance periods ever and there is no way to predict department by department how the waiting list will go. We know there was a huge amount of new applications and no one knows the matriculation rate on those accepted. I would predict we will have good sized pool of waitlist pulls - - but that is a guess … for all we know their matriculation rate is much higher then predicted with the additional applications and they are filled to the brim. Only time will tell - but as of now it looks like we are seeing some department by department actual pulls.

Thank you so much!