Virginia Tech Freshmen 2018 - Waitlist

My son was wait-listed for engineering. We are NoVa which makes it more challenging. But his GPA is 3.8, SAT 1520 and a National Merit Scholar, 2 sport athlete all 4 years. I just don’t understand…

Yes, TC Williams HS - largest HS in Virginia - anecdotally confirmed majority of applicants waitlisted & maybe 1 CoE acceptance

At this point, I’m wondering if UVA will have a better admissions rate?

TC Williams is not the largest high school in Virginia. Both Robinson and Lake Braddock have more students than TC Williams.

My DD was also waitlisted. She has taken 7 AP’s and done well, 1480 SAT (790) math, good GPA and leadership roles and good activities. Oh and also a legacy. Her sister is a junior there now. :frowning: I am sad for her and baffled.

My friend withdrew her application from Tech in January after she heard back from her dream school. However, she still got an acceptance letter and email saying that she got into Tech. Maybe there was a glitch in the system this year for those who withdrew their application after January?

Son waitlisted. Engineering, OOS, 3.8, 1320. He elected to stay on wait list, and will accept at Penn State, UP and see what happens. We thought once he got in UP, he would get in VTech. Seeing others waitlisted with such high stats, I don’t feel we have much of a shot. Congrats to those who were accepted, and keep the faith for those wait listed.

My son was also waitlisted for Engineering. OOS, 3.7 UW 4.2 W, 1520 SAT (790 Math/730 ERW), attends an extremely competitive STEM/Engineering HS. We were very disappointed with the waitlist as VT was very high on his list. He elected to stay on the waitlist but is going to have to commit somewhere else by the May 1st deadline. Not sure he is going to want to switch so late in the game if he does eventually get off the waitlist. I guess we will cross that bridge if/when we get to it. So frustrating.

My son turned down his acceptance earlier this morning. I hope that someone in this thread benefits. Good luck to all!

My daughter turned down her acceptance today also.

My son was waitlist , He always got honor student , taken 5 AP…GPA 4.0, He had been waited to get answer everyday and that day he did not want to go to school and he was very upset …very a sad news for him ( It’s my Birthday as well ) :frowning:

Son waitlisted at Tech applied for CMDA degree. He had applied early decision, was deferred to regular decision. He has elected to remain on the Waitlist but will likely commit to GMU in the meantime.
1230 sat
25 act
3.6 UNweighted GPA

To everyone wondering about all the waitlisted people this year,

VT had issues with overadmitting in previous years (last year I believe they had 10% overacceptance) so this year they are hedging their bets to keep it from happening again.

International student
SAT 1440
Prediscted 85%
10 boards 95%
National level basketball player. Captain on regional team and school team.
Drums - grade 4 rockschool
Medical internship at hospital. Shadowed doctors in the ER and watched surgerys right inside the OT.
Marketing internship.
Participated in tech and math fests in school.
I got accepted mid feb itself and im probably going to turn down my acceptance as i got into udubb and am waiting for two more important universities. So hope that it benefits someone here.

My daughter has also decline acceptance. Only getting a loan really hurt finances and plus her dream school is JMU.

I have heard a very credible rumor that several thousand kids were waitlisted, but they only expect to draw a few hundred from the waitlist. What a shame.

is there a point in sending a letter of continued interest after getting waitlisted?

@rugby1562 per the vt waitlist faq, there is literally nothing you can do to increase your chances of getting off the waitlist now that you are on it.

“it is not a be all and end all” school. My nephew is currently a freshman doing engineering. He does not like the student body. According to him, he and his close friends couldn’t figure how some of them got accepted into engineering. They don’t fall in the “published” stats and most seem to be from the smack middle of the midwest. I guess geographical preference helps with admission. So don’t fret it especially those OOS applicants. Tech engineering is not that well-known outside the NOVA area.

@xtorgensen to be fair no college is a “be all and end all” school and everyone should relax.

Daughter also from NoVa and waitlisted. Based on SATs and GPA in school database (and her activities/leadership), would have been in easily in past years. We had not visited and heard priority is given to students who had visited officially. She knew a lot of students who were outright rejected this year and just a few on the waitlist. Several friends who got in did not have tech as their top choice and probably won’t attend. Just got word from William & Mary that she was waitlisted there as well. In at four other schools so she has good options. It stinks that they are so tight this year and I do wonder how it will all work out for people on the waitlist. This has definitely made her less interested although she will keep options open and remain on the waitlist.