Virginia Tech Housing contracts

My son is attending Virginia Tech and he turned in his housing contract in on April 21. He is worried that he turned his in too late to get the dorm he wants. He really wants to live in o’shag but is not apart of the living learning and is hoping that there will be spots left in the dorm for regular students. When did everyone else turn in their housing contracts? I am trying to see when his time slot to choice his dorm would be and if anyone else considers that date late.

@vtmomdadsnow Good evening. My son signed on Feb. 27th. However, he is in a roommate group with a buddy who applied early decision. Therefore, his friend is the group leader and he will choose the room and select beds for himself and my son. It is possible that your son could potentially locate a roommate with an earlier signed date.

I know he has his heart set on a particular dorm, but rest assured he will have a great experience no matter where he ends up (and with recent events, having a dorm room at all is suddenly something to appreciate!). As an example, our neighbor several years ago turned in her housing contract later than most and ended up in Slusher towers. It was widely known to be the absolute crappiest dorm on campus. And she loved it. She made life long friends and wouldn’t change a thing. I know the choice of dorm is important to him, just offering some additional perspective. Good luck!