Virginia Tech RD Decisions

Hey guys,

I heard that the first round of EA decisions come out within the next couple of days. Does anyone have any more info?


2/22 and 3/18, though I don’t think these are EA decisions, but rather the regular decision pool.

Does anyone know if the decisions will be released at midnight or some point during the day?

@Mpeauxsey In years past, they released the decisions at around 4 or 5 PM EST, but they have never posted an official time!

@student810, do you know if the February vs. March notifications are based on the order in which the applications were submitted? If so, do you have any idea on the approximate cutoff date for February notifications from prior years? My son submitted on 11/27, and we are trying to determine if we need to plan a trip next month from California, so it would be great if he heard tomorrow.

@sddanr I’m honestly in the same boat as you guys! On a different post, someone said that if you get into your first choice, you hear back tomorrow… another post said if you have a certain SAT/GPA you hear back tomorrow, so I couldn’t be more confused! Hopefully you all hear back good news tomorrow :slight_smile:

@student810 if you got into your first choice you hear tomorrow? So would that mean there are no rejections tomorrow and that the rest of the decisions would come out in March? And also, do you know what this certain SAT/GPA range is?

@Sonic9 like I said, I read this on random posts on CC! so I’m really not sure, but the SAT/GPA range was around 1100/4.0 (1600 scale) when I was reading the posts… again I’m really just sharing what I read! don’t know how legit the posts were, I’m sorry :confused:

Thanks @student810. Good luck to everyone!

I must say that Cal Poly SLO has been the most frustrating experience for my son so far. They only announce acceptances first. It seems like a majority of the CAL Poly SLO acceptances have been sent out, but my son has not heard anything. So while there is a good chance he has not been accepted, he will need to wait to March to find out. I hope that he hears from Virginia Tech one way or the other tomorrow so he can move on with his decision making.

@sddanr No problem! Definitely hoping for good news for your son, I agree that it would be nice to hear back tomorrow as well, as I have a lot of decision making to do as well! Best wishes :slight_smile:

@student810 ohh ok that’s fine, I was just curious. Thanks!

@Sonic9 no problem! Hope you hear back good news :slight_smile:

@student810 thank you so much!! Same with you too! Best of luck

@sddanr That’s funny, I applied to Cal Poly and VT too, both for Architecture. I was excited to hear that I got accepted into Cal Poly for OOS Arch, now just waiting to hear back from VT tomorrow. I did get rejected from UT Austin though :confused: What major is your son going into?

Nervous for tomorrow… could someone chance me!
I’m an Asian(Indian) female in state applying to general engineering
My GPA is a 4.07 but my freshman year grades consisted of pretty much Bs and B-s, after that I haven’t gotten lower than an A-
So freshman year GPA:3.3, sophomore:4.1, junior:4.5, senior:4.8 (so far)
My SAT is alright, a 1910 but math is my highest score, also I’ve taken two AP exams and expect to take 4 this year with a 5 on AP Calc AB from last year & im hoping for another 5 on BC this year (I love math)
I didn’t do any club or sport related things but I have over 400 service hours-- I volunteered at an assisted living for people with dementia
Also, I wrote all 3 essays and felt pretty happy with them; I think they really reflected me as a person outside of school— one of my essays explained my low grades freshman year (death in the family)
Thanks to anyone that takes the time to read this and chance me!! Would love & appreciate the help!

@student810 it seems like you’re in really good shape to get accepted stats wise! Surely they’re going to see that your increasing gpa shows your capability to overcome a tough situation while taking challenging ap courses. The many volunteer hours seems like it will show very well due to VT’s motto “Ut Prosim” as you know means “that I may serve.” I’m no expert at this but I would have to say your chance of being admitted is high! Best of luck with the decision tomorrow!

@dweaver16, congratulations on getting accepted to SLO Architecture! That is quite an accomplishment. I am an Architect and have been really impressed with our staff who graduated from there. If you can afford the OOS tuition and would be happy going to school in California, you can not go wrong with SLO.

My son’s major is Mechanical Engineering. We visited Cal Poly Pomona yesterday - one of the schools he has been accepted to - and he liked it. Generally, he really likes the “learn by doing” approach of the Cal Poly schools and he really liked Pomona’s SAE racing teams. If he get’s in to Virginia Tech we will need to plan a visit in March. He was also accepted to Clemson’s school of engineering, so we could visit VT and Clemson on the same trip. Good luck. I hope that you hear you get in to VT Architecture tomorrow. Then you will have at least two really good options.

@Sonic9 Thanks so much! Best of luck again to you too! :slight_smile: