Virginia Tech Scholarships???

Any scholarships this school has to offer? I was searching on their site and couldn’t find much information on it.

They only look at ACT Math and English so I will post those

MATH: 34

SAT: 1430 (770 on Math)
GPA: 3.73 UW, 4.00 W, top 5% of class

Family income is $120,000

A Scholarship of at least $5,000 a year will probably be enough, since out of state tuition here is not too expensive.

In general, VT isn’t known to offer a lot of merit for OOS.

VT has started to up their merit scholarships to help recruit top candidates. Some scholarships are specific to the college you are applying to and you need to look at the college’s link for more information. Those candidates that are admitted to the Honors College are also considered for merit scholarships.
For College of Engineering:
For Honors College:
For general scholarships:

^That IS new. Dang! It was on D17’s list, until it wasn’t…due to lack of merit awards.

Looks like most of these scholarships are extremely competitive or very specific, for example,Children of active tobacco growers who live in the Southside area of Virginia.

They are highly competitive, but they’ve increased the number of them over the last year or so. Aside from the donor scholarships which are very specific (and I’d expect fewer applicants for them, if you qualify), the individual colleges offer better opportunities, and many don’t require a separate application. E.g, the Pamplin business school awards merit scholarships to approx. 10% of all freshman, the Davenport and Pratt are decent engineering school scholarships, and there are 5 Honors College scholarships based on merit. But it would sure be helpful to not have to dig for information on where to look and how to apply, or to have different application standards depending on the college you are interested in.