Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2016

@sherbertt i applied last year and didnt get in and I didnt find out until April 29th. they take a long time :frowning:

@prospectivehokie Ugh! That’s so far away!

has anybody received the email about financial aid, I got it on friday reminding me to apply for fafsa and scholarships. anybody know if thats a good sign?

@prospectivehokie I’m in the same boat as you are. I applied last year and was denied around the same time as you because I didn’t have a math credit. But I don’t know about that financial aid. Last year they sent me something in the mail and I was denied. But I have been getting those emails. VT financial aid emails me every week about applying.

I have math, science, and english credits, but I currently have a 2.98 gpa because I am a freshman who has only completed 12 credits (one being calc and I received a C, so that weighed down my gpa). I’m hoping that my mid-semester grades will be better, but many of my courses only have a single grade calculated in. Do you think my gpa will hurt me? I know 3.0 and above is competitive.

@lg1245 i think you should be fine! are you coming from a 4 year school or a community college? also, did you get an email about financial aid??

@prospectivehokie 4 year VA school, and yeah I did

Anybody that has been accepted know what they’re doing for housing yet?

@ahahn95 how were you already accepted?

From what I have read through quite some research, the first wave of accepted transfer applicants is normally the first Friday of March aka next Friday. So cross your fingers that this year isn’t different.

They asked me for midsemester grades so I do not think I’ll be hearing next Friday

@hopefullyhokie same and I was reading the forum from last year and it looks like the next time people found out was in April. Hopefully we won’t have to wait that long though

@hopefullyhokie I’m a VCCS student, we had an early admission thing, I found out on feb 4th

anyone think they might find out tomorrow?? im freaking out haha

I hope we do. Going down to visit a friend in their grad vet program. Would be cool to find out while I am there.

In years past, transfer decisions were released on the first Friday of March. Hopefully we see something today at 5 X_X

Anyone find out?

Not yet. I’m really worried

When will they come out for today?

Last year they came out at 5. Has anyone heard anything? Maybe they aren’t doing it today