Virginia Tech Transfers Fall 2011

<p>Just thought I would start one for people applying this semester</p>

<p>Hey jacob, if you don’t mind me asking: what are all of your stats and what school are you coming from? I have really bad high school grades (literally didn’t do anything, I was very different back then) and just decent SATs so I figured applying as a transfer for fall 2011 would be useless. Most people have advised me to wait until junior year to attempt a transfer so I was just wondering what your credentials are. Thanks!</p>

<p>Well i came out of high school with a weight GPA of over a 4.0 weighted, im not sure what it is unweighted, they never told me, I am coming from a better school than surrounding areas with competitive students, and have right above a 1200 SAT with 600 CR and 620 MATH, i am actually trying to transfer into Tech as a sophomore myself instead of waiting, and trying to get into the engineering program, I am also coming out of my first semester of college with a 4.0, what about yourself</p>

<p>I went to a really good high school in Northern VA and was not into school at all; I never did homework and rarely studied. I graduated with a really bad gpa, something like a 2.6. Despite my grades, I got into a few good colleges and I think that was mostly due to my school’s reputation and my SAT score (decent–1780 all combined). </p>

<p>I would have gone to East Carolina University, but it was just too expensive since I’m out of state, so I decided to attend Radford University (the only VA school I applied to). I have a 4.0 gpa after my first semester here because I’m doing my work and am really enjoying college classes. I’m really working up to my potential now, but I realize it is unfair for me to expect that I should be accepted to a great college after just one semester of good work, so I figured there was no point in trying yet haha.</p>

<p>i think it might be worth a shot, its not too late to apply</p>

<p>Hey guys! I thought I’d chime in on this thread because I just transferred to Tech this past year from VCU in Richmond. I applied after 1 semester of college and got in (and I didn’t have a 4.0, but my major is not a competitive one)…so if you guys have any questions or anything I’d be happy to answer.</p>

<p>hey, do you think i have good chances of getting into tech’s engineering?, stats posted above, was also an eagle scout btw</p>

<p>@financiallylost That’s awesome, congrats! What was your major? EC’s? High School stats? Also, anything that you feel really made you stand out (you obviously don’t have to be too specific hahaha, just in general)? Thank you!!</p>

<p>I sent a PM to both of you.</p>

<p>Some general things from my experience that I can share on here is that Tech REALLY looks at the fact that you have completed courses that transfer to Tech…and they REALLY like if you complete the Curriculum for Liberal Education (CLE) requirements.</p>

<p><a href=“Login | Virginia Tech”>Login | Virginia Tech;

<p>Also, be sure to check find out what courses your major wants you to take for CLE. Especially Math, Science, and English requirements! Those college subjects are probably the top three most important ones that will get you in if you do well (again, depending on major).</p>

<p>For some reason I didn’t get the PM, thanks for the tips though. I’m good on english and math, the only thing is I wasn’t able to get into a science last semester or this semester, but I was planning on taking two next year (one each semester).</p>

<p>financiallylost, have you heard of anyone transferring into the engineering school going into their sophomore year, and is there anything that you have heard or seen that might be beneficial? maybe something that you experienced yourself through the admissions process</p>

<p>I dunno if either of the PMs got to you. Internet is being weird today.</p>

<p>Basically my PMs said that I came from a strong HS background, but it didn’t seem to matter after the first semester since my GPA was strong and I was taking all the right classes. I don’t think ECs matter all that much for admission whether you’re a transfer or an incoming freshman. My GPA after the first semester was a 3.5, and I took a mix of classes for the CLE and for my major. </p>

<p>Anyway, I honestly don’t know too many people who transferred into Tech since I knew a lot of people before I came to school here. I’ve been under the impression that for both freshman and transfer admissions, they’re big on your stats/grades and making sure you’re on the right track with the classes you’ve been taking…meaning they like you to take courses that are challenging and prepare you for your major.</p>

<p>cool thanks, anyone else apply as a transfer, and if so what were your stats etc.</p>

<p>finally! a transfer thread! lol. anyways, VT is my top choice</p>

<p>freshman from NoVA
transferring as a geography major
want to get involved in the corps of cadets (VTCC)
want to get involved in the honors program</p>

<p>can anyone tell me of their experience with the VTCC? i know we’re all prospectives, but do you know of anyone in it currently? same with the geography program.</p>

<p>my stats really suck. 3.2 HS, 3.7 COLLEGE. I have impressive EC’s (internships, blah blah) but as mentioned above, it is a stat-based school.</p>

<p>financiallylost, how has your experience been at vt so far? i don’t really know many people who go to vt and am thinking of transferring in the fall. you said you knew a lot of people going into the school so i am wondering if my experience will be totally different at the school since i don’t really know anybody. thanks!</p>

<p>Knowing people here already is only part of the experience.</p>

<p>I absolutely love it here. Compared to VCU, I definitely feel like I’m being challenged (which is can be seen as good or bad) and I’m getting a LOT out of my classes. VCU didn’t seem to have a great of a student-professional relationship as there is at Tech, and their resources are publicized SO much less than here at Tech (and I believe Tech’s are a lot better and there seems to be more available to students).</p>

<p>I’ve found that alot of professors/academic deans/department heads/grad students/advisors really push you to do things a lot of students don’t want to do, and a lot of opportunities are presented on a daily basis. BUT, on the other hand, this could go for any experience at any college. It’s what you make of it, really. But personally, I’ve found that the classes I take and the professors and other academic experiences here are really making school more enjoyable for me, which is something that VCU lacked. Something about professors and students being really motivated and serious (which didn’t happen that much at VCU in the classes I took - even some professors were just meh) seems to push others like myself to do better and do more than just what’s required.</p>

<p>I’ve also found that students are alot more approachable and easier to talk to once you get out of the Intro classes. So, depending on your major, you’ll definitely find people who are very similar to you in your classes. Especially since the upper level classes tend to get smaller.</p>

<p>On another note, there are SO many things offered outside of academics. There are a lot of student led organizations and events and even volunteering/jobs/internships and they most of them are publicized like crazy. Even the class councils continue to go for people after freshman year, if that’s your kind of thing. It’s really easy to get involved on campus and find something fun to do. Not to mention, fall semester is pretty hype because of football season, so things get really exciting on campus. It’s really easy to find something that interests you. In my experience from one semester, I’ve found TOO many things that interest me so I might not be able to do them all, haha.</p>

<p>Sorry this was lengthy…but if you have any more questions, just ask!</p>

<p>when did your letter of acceptance come in after you applied?</p>

<p>and can you post your stats, if you don’t mind?</p>

<p>I got in March 31st, sent in my application December 28th. I know someone who applied the same day but found out sometime at the end of February…but that probably had something to do with getting transcripts to Tech.</p>

<p>My stats:
HS GPA: 3.0-3.2 (Mostly’s Bs. Some As, Some Cs)
HS Courses: IB & AP Courses since 9th grade
SAT: 590M 600V
HS ECs: Student Council, Class Council, IB Student Organization, Homecoming, a few Service Clubs…nothing notable.</p>

<p>College GPA: First Semester: 3.55 (12 Credits), Second: 3.25 (17 credits)
Transfer Credits: 27 from IB & AP (did not get as much at VT)
College ECs: Cultural Organizations and a Performance with the club in the Spring</p>

<p>I see. Thanks!</p>

<p>Do you think I have a chance? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
I have a really bad HS record (2 D’s, some C’s, rare B’s). I’m also taking 20 credits currently as a second semester freshman.</p>

<p>applications due yesterday…now we wait.</p>