Virginia Tech Waitlist 2013

<p>Has anyone heard from admissions about the Fall 2013 waitlist for Virginia Tech? Just curious, I know it says we'd hear back by July 1st but I really don't think they'd make us suffer for that long.</p>

<p>A girl in my son’s school got an e-mail over the weekend. She let him know yesterday (my son is waiting also). Apparently they e-mail you and then let you know that the paperwork is in the mail and you have 10 days to respond. My son also heard from someone that the offers come in waves, so this is the first wave I guess. Probably the second wave will go out in about 2 weeks, after VT receives responses for the first offers.</p>

<p>I just called VT to check on the status of my waitlisted application and the guy on the phone told me that nobody on the waitlist is being offered admission.</p>