Virginia Tech

<p>I was just wondering is there a difference in the average gpa for people applying to VT for engineering and just university studies. If there is what would the university studies gpa be.</p>

<p>when you guys answer can you tell me if the gpa is weighted or unweighted</p>


<p>The Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness website shows the following average GPA information for the freshman class who began their studies in Fall 2012:</p>

<p>– Engineering - 4.08
– University Studies - 3.82</p>

<p>This information is for first time, accepted students only and the GPA is weighted.</p>

<p>The link to the website is [Admissions</a> | Institutional Research & Effectiveness Home | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Admissions”></p>

<p>If you want to apply to the College of Engineering, do it. It won’t hurt you to apply as General Engineering in all honesty. If you don’t cut it for engineering, they’ll immediately try to admit you to University Studies. There are hundreds of people each year coming in that were initially rejected from engineering. Don’t sweat it. The transfer process is fairly simple… Especially now that they have opened the freshman GE courses to everyone once the GE students have been placed. </p>

<p>As the poster above me has shown, it is harder to get into engineering than it is to get into the university… Not just GPA wise, but SAT wise as well. The College of Engineering has a strict cut-off of a 25/26 (I don’t remember) Math ACT or 600 SAT Math. Even if they have room in the program they will not admit below that. The CoE also requires four math and science courses versus three each for the university. </p>

<p>I’m in Electrical Engineering, so if you have any questions about the transfer process or really anything to do with VT/VT Engineering, feel free to message me. I’d be happy to answer them. </p>


<p>James2014 - How difficult is it to get into your choice of engineering program? For example, is there a competitive process to get into electrical or mechainical engineering after your freshman year or is it guaranteed assuming you have a minimum freshman GPA?</p>

<p>There are caps based on student:faculty ratio. A 3.0 and up and apparently you can get into anything. </p>

<p>[Dean</a> says engineering cap preserves educational quality -](<a href=“]Dean”></p>

<p>As chuy posted, there is a new requirement to get into engineering majors. Prior to Fall 2012, you could apply to any engineering major (Except Civil Engineering and Construction Management) and be accepted… Now it is based on GPA. If you have a 3.0 GPA after completing the prerequisites for the degree granting engineering majors, you get your first choice major no matter what. Everyone else is ranked by GPA and placed in their Second and Third choice majors depending on what has openings. I’m not exactly sure what happens if all three of your choices are full. I guess you stay in GE or let them know that you’ll take any spot available in any program. I really don’t know.</p>