Virginia tech

I want to apply to Virginia tech, with a major in mechanical or aerospace engineering.
I am out of state.
3.4 UW gpa, 3.7 W gpa. Grades show upwards trend
AP bio, AP physics, AP calc, AP french, other honors classes
2070 SAT
I have taken 2 summer courses, I have an internship at a university lab, I am quite talented at the cello, I instruct MMA, I have a black belt
I am half white half latino
Can anyone tell me if I have a good shot? I am aware that engineering is more competitive than most majors

What is Math and Reading SAT specifically? What is your school’s grading scale?

My brother was accepted into Tech engineering this year and will be a freshman starting in the fall. His GPA and SAT scores are a lot higher than yours, but he didn’t have as many extra-curriculars as you. His GPA was above 4.0 and his SAT was above 2200, so I think your academics are a little low. However, your non-school activities are pretty strong. If you can bring your grades up and retake the SAT (it doesn’t accept the 2400 scale anymore, so you’ll have to take the new SAT if you haven’t already), you have a good shot at getting into the engineering school. Also, you apply for general engineering and then pick a specific route after your first year. Good luck! Maybe we will see each other at Tech, since I also want to go to VT (but not for engineering).

@magicbunny, actually, they started accepting old SAT too since long ago.

Check ACT/SAT Requirements in this page: