Vist to The U

My son and I will be visiting the U next weekend. While there he will sit in on a class, attend the football game and attend the events during the “Preview the U”. As this is our second visit to campus ( he loved it the first time around!) , we are trying to hit some of the typical places on and off campus where he would get a feel for where the students are when they not in class and on weekends… Trying to get a good comparison to other schools on his list (Tulane, UGA, Clemson, UF, PSU, VT, UMD)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Check out South Beach

Everyone goes to Coconut Grove on Thursday nights, it’s worth checking out during the day during your visit, though. Some nice restaurants in the area and it’s by a nice State park called the Barnacle.

Just returned from our weekend at The U…Thanks for the suggestions. We did go into Coconut Grove and South Beach. Also attended the Preview the U and the football game. Great weekend for my son. Fingers crossed for good news in January. Thanks again!