Visiting Virginia Tech

<p>Which visitation option would you recommend?</p>

<p>Open House is held during a selected weekend in October and November. The schedule includes information not provided during the regular information sessions and an opportunity to participate in social activities. </p>

<p>Engineering Open House is held on a Monday in the Spring. The schedule offers an in depth look at the School of Engineering. A general undergraduate session is offered along with campus tours. </p>

<p>Scheduled visits are offered selected Mondays through Saturdays. They include an information session and campus tour. This option allows prospective students the opportunity to see the campus while classes are in session. Also there is an opportunity to attend a School of Engineering information session and observe a class. </p>

<p>Definitely vist VT in the fall during the open house, the earlier the better. You will have an opportunity to speak to engineering councellors and students, visit showcase for different majors within COE. That is all on top of in-depth info session, campus tour, etc. Make an effort to visit a model dorm room, it is not offered on a campus tour, you have to get there on your own.</p>

<p>Definitely do Open House. </p>

<p>The amount of information given will be invaluable and campus will be really active at that time. </p>

<p>Open house would be a good decision, but make sure to leave yourself some time to explore campus and the local area in a non-structured way.</p>

<p>We are scheduled for the fall open house. There is an Engineering session in the afternoon. Is this the same as the spring Engineering open house? Spring is next to impossible to attend. Also, we are planning to arrive Friday afternoon and hope to attend the soccer game. Should we buy tickets in advance? There is a chance that my DS’s HS team will be in soccer post season still and we will have to cancel. </p>

<p>I believe soccer games are free but I’d check before hand. </p>

<p>Spring open house is identical to Fall open house. </p>

<p>pretty sure you only pay to see football and basketball - all other varsity sports are free. </p>

<p>We attended open house on Sunday and it was by far the best admissions event we attended. I strongly recommend prospective students attend Open House at Virginia Tech. </p>