I have been reading constantly confusing MIXED reviews about VPA and Newhouse.
I am applying this upcoming year and am very interested in purely filmmaking. I have a complete reel and everything. I have no interest in broadcasting, documentary, etc.
Please let me know your thoughts and opinions on both schools.
Thank you all so much 
VPA Film major:
Newhouse TRF major:
Keep in mind that Newhouse is a school of mass communications. As a freshman you’ll be taking classes like COM 107 Communications and Society which focuses on the different majors offered and mass communications as a whole so you’ll be learning about journalism, PR, advertising, broadcasting, and the history and impact of media as a whole. You’ll also have COM 101 which is grammar for communications and COM 117 which is very TRF oriented in that you’ll be doing a lot of filming.
I can’t speak for being a film major because I’m in Newhouse, but I can’t really get a feel for what it is that you want to do so hopefully these links help you.