VT Chances for an instate rising Junior- am i on the right track?

<p>I know that I still have Junior year left (the most important one) but I am just curious to see if I am on the right track for VT.
Btw, I am from FairFax County (i know this is important so i wanted to point that out) and I am planning to major in Biochemistry (School of Science)</p>

<p>Things That I have achieved already (9th and 10th grade):
Taken all the honors classes that school can offer
Taken 2 AP's sophomore year (only a handful of people have done this in our school this year)
-- AP World and Comp Sci A
UW GPA of a 3.53
--however I do have a significant upward trend, a 3.35 freshman year and a 3.71 soph
W GPA of a 3.87
--upward trend also, a 3.64 to a 4.21
Third Place School Level Science Fair Winner (9th)
First Place School Level Science Fair Winner (10th)
Third Place Regional Level Science Fair Winner (10th)
Lots of Community Service</p>

<p>Things I Hope to Achieve Junior year (I am going to take 4 Ap's) :
A GPA higher than a 3.71
--because I want to continue my upward trend
Get a good SAT score
--hoping for a 2000+ superscored
Captain of Robotics Team (I am pretty much assured this position ha)</p>

<p>If all goes well, my stats would be at the end of Junior Year:
UW GPA of a 3.69
--still maintaining my upward trend and getting a 4.0 Junior Year
W GPA of a 4.22
SAT Super scored: 2100
Still be captain of Robotics Team
Inducted into Science Honor Society
2nd or 1st Place at Regional Science Fair, in addition to my 1st place and 3rd place
Have a Rigorous Course load: would have taken 9 Honors and 6 AP's</p>

<p>So do I stand a chance?</p>

<p>Considering this is more of a speculation… “what if I get this grade…etc”… it’s hard to tell. it’s difficult for us to chance you based on your stats as a rising junior. </p>

<p>you want to be a shoe-in for VT? </p>

<p>here are my tips:</p>

<p>1.) if you can handle 4 APs Junior Year without burning out Senior Year. Suit yourself. It’s greater to see a student with 4.0s w/ 2 AP classes rather than a student with 3.7s w/ 4 AP classes. </p>

<p>2.) “Aiming” for an SAT score is downright impossible. You can’t “aim” unless you took several practice tests that hover around your magic number. Take practice tests… this will be your gauge to where you are and what steps you need to take to get to where you want to be. </p>

<p>good luck.</p>

<p>The upward trend is always a good thing. I agree with both points from cd3l. From the info you’ve given us, you are on the right track, but the GPA and the SAT scores will be very important numbers in your application next fall.</p>

<p>“It’s greater to see a student with 4.0s w/ 2 AP classes rather than a student with 3.7s w/ 4 AP classes.”</p>

<p>I will have to disagree with this. Colleges consider rigor of curriculum first. They’d rather see a lower (slightly) GPA with the most rigorous classes than a high GPA with easy classes.
4 AP classes or more in junior year is rather common in Nova.</p>

<p>do you guys feel it would be better for me to apply for early decision? bc i know VT is the school i want to go to if i get in</p>

<p>See how you do on the SAT first. Applying ED always shows that you are certain of your choice, and that looks good right off the bat. But those numbers (GPA and SAT) are going to be the most important thing they look at first. It does help that you aren’t looking for engineering or architecture.</p>