VT Engineering chances?? help plzz

Hey, everyone! I’m new to this community haha and I’m just seeking out some advice… my dream school has always been Virginia Tech and I’m still looking to go there. I’m applying for General Engineering and then hopefully going into aerospace engineering. My main issue with my application is my test scores…

GPA (UW): 3.72
GPA (W): 4.102
ACT: (Composite) 26 - (Math–>26; English–>30)

I heard that VT only really looks at Math and English so I’ll just put those haha.
My EC’s are also pretty good:

  • started an online business with my dad
  • NASA summer class and program
  • summer gov’t program
  • a month long engineering program at VT (biosystems focus)
  • tutor in elementary math and science weekly
  • president of huge community service club at school (I’m given scholarship money for it)
  • attended a NASA dinner to honor a space mission (probs not an EC, but it’s a good essay topic) :slight_smile:
  • summer lifeguard and swim coach for swim team
  • went to our state’s regional swim team

And a ton of other stuff that I can’t think of off the top of my head… but I think what might help is I’ve taken every AP science course offered at my school (online and in class) and I have only ever gotten A’s in math classes. I am dyslexic but idk if that helps my case at all. It’s too late for me to take another ACT, so what do I do?



You left out important info: are you in state? Did you list University Studies as your second choice? Did you apply ED? If you did you’ll probably know next Friday. Engineering has gotten very competitive so I do think you’ll get in to US and Engineering is a maybe. If you are an in state applicant, that is. Good luck.

According to the stats in this link from 2015


Out of state acceptance rate 78%
In state acceptance rate 68.1%
So it helps to be out of state.

Yup I’m in state haha I live in a pretty rural part of Virginia @OspreyCV22

Anymore comments would be helpful lol

Could go either way. Agree that your ACT’s are the sticking point, especially math. What math are you taking now? The A’s you’ve received will help as will the fact you’re from a rural part of the state, unless they feel your HS isn’t getting students prepared for college.

Be aware that they’re tightening up the ability to transfer into engineering from other majors (including US). In addition to upping the GPA required and which classes you must take at VT (as opposed to a CC and transferring credits), they are limiting the number of transfers to something like 250. No one is sure what the implications of that will be but it appears it’s not longer going to be enough to get the required GPA to transfer.

Update: ACT math went up to a 27… does this help? Thanks!