VT vs Nova vs Clemson

<p>So i am down to two. Got accepted to Villanova, Univ. of Del, Clemson, Muhlenberg, Rowan(15minutes from my house -.-), Drexel, Vt.</p>

<p>Major- Civil Eng. (not final but for now its what i want to study)
Home- South Jersey</p>

<p>P.s. Got denied from UVA, Lehigh and waitlisted at Lafayette.</p>


<p>I have to make a choice! I got no merit money anywhere. only Financial Aid. So ATM the only three i could afford and want to go to are CLEMSON, VT, and NOVA</p>

<p>Clemson is around 35k
Nova is around 30k
VT is around 27k </p>

<p>Now I want to go to Clemson for the South Carolina Sun, beautiful campus, and awesome people BUT for 35k :/ And its Eng. is not the greatest but is still very respectable. </p>

<p>Nova has always been a choice for me and still is. Its Eng. is awesome, its a nice campus, and its just a dream of mine but for 30k+ a year? :l</p>

<p>VT- Eng- RANKED 15th for undgr. Eng. in the country (Can't beat that) FOOD= A++ Campus? If i can live in NJ for 18 years, I think i can deal with VT's weather for 4. </p>

<p>Now you know where I stand. I could use some outside views on this. I loved Clemson, Dreamed about Nova, and still have the chills from my Visit to VT (not really).</p>

<p>any help, comments, views, opinions, suggestions, or a kind gesture is very much appreciated. </p>

<p>BTW. this is my first CC post so sorry if I did not follow any format or spelled "anythin" wrong ;)</p>

<p>LOL you basically explained why VT is your best option</p>

<p>FYI - I understand that you are using the acronym “NOVA” for Villanova but most Virginians will think Northern Virginia. </p>

<p>All of your choices are expensive but I’m sure that you could rationalize an extra $12,000 if you really prefer Villanova over Va Tech. The question is whether Va Tech should be at the top of your price point already. If so, then the other two schools really aren’t options.</p>

<p>Ohh well I will remember that for the future. </p>

<p>Vt is at the top of the list because of how reasonable it’s cost is. </p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-L900 using CC</p>

<p>Assuming you like all schools equally, if you can save money without sacrificing quality, you’d be silly not to. IMHO. :)</p>

<p>Yep agree - it depends on your financial situation. I’m a Clemson student and I love Clemson but if you have to take out additional loans to go to Clemson, it is definitely not worth it.</p>

<p>I did a quick check on OOS tuition+room+board at all three schools and came up with:</p>


<p>You said you recieved financial aid but not merit aid. Does that mean they gave you loans to bring the price down to what you posted? If so, you need to be careful. Those loans will come due some day. They are all great schools and you will get a great education at any of them, just make sure you don’t overpay.</p>

<p>OOSVTDad is correct. These are all good schools, but please break out the math on Total COA if you haven’t already done so. Deduct any grants (no repayment) but leave in loans so you know just how much your education is going to cost you at each school. Also consider that you may take more then 8 semesters to graduate in engineering. Sometimes this is the student and sometimes this is the school (unavailability of courses, you should have already checked this out). Then calculate how much debt each school would leave you with.</p>

<p>Best of luck in making this decision. Again, all good schools, but debt after graduation can be very overwhelming and you need to consider the entire amount, not just yearly.</p>