waiting list... any chance?

<p>today i recived an email from the counselor of international admittions informing me that i was defered in waiting list!... do u think i still have any chance of getting in?.. what porcentage of people from the waiting list get in?..</p>

<p>what do u mean by deferred in waiting list? do u have aim?</p>

<p>i was put in waiting list... no, i have MSN..</p>

<p>id have some backup plans just incase man, that schools pretty competitive...didnt i read you said you were a legacy there? i would think that should help you immensely.</p>

<p>i hope,... now i have to wait until june... lol-.-</p>

<p>hey Cilia, Im international as well from El Salvador. Although i didnt apply ED I applied regular and should be hearing in march. What where your stats if you dont mind sharing :P? I wish you the best of luck by the way. Im just as nervous cuz its my first choice. reason i didnt apply ED was because i found out last minute that the applicant pool was extremely competetive for ED so I decided to wait till regular.</p>

<p>hi, ! I'm From Panama And I applied to early action to UM, they defered me as a regular decision and now put me in waiting list
Toefl: 84 IBT
Sat Math: 580
My mom graduated from there
Exelent activity chart
great essay
top 15% of my highschool class
90.08/100 gpa (wich is very good for my school)
I've been talking to the counselor of international admissions every day...
- social service 80 hours
- won the sport medal
- capt of voleyball and basketball in school
- capt of basketball in macabi (a youth organization)
- represent several times the school and country in internationals tournuments of table tennis and tennis
- became #4 in Panama (female tennis)
- #3 in Panama (table tennis)
- attend for 4 years a leadership course and camps
- Leader in macabi of the girls of 5th grade
- attend the March of the Living in Poland
- attend a trip to Israel for Liders
- member of the soccer, basketball and voleyball team for the past 4 years
- choir in the school play</p>

<p>I'm a Panamenian Girl (latin), Jewish, with US Citizenship,Applied as International Undergrad!</p>

<p>Te deseo la mejor de la suerte en todo, y te recomiendo que llames a UM, porque ya estan dando las decisiones, o chequea en myum.. la verdad no estoy segura porq me pusieron en waiting list.. pero me va a tocar elegir otra universidad... </p>

<p>avisame tu status..</p>

<p>Wow that is weird! 3.5 and 580 on math :P..... i just dont get it. Well like I said i was tipped off at last moment that the ED pool was a monster applicant pool. I scored a 1660 on the SAT and have a 85 taking like hard core classes all 4 years so I hope i get in. I have very similar Ec's to yours Im guessing uve played in AASCA tournaments as well. I also have a ton of international experience (lived in 5 countries) im hoping that helps :(....
have you gotten into any other school yet? Ive at least already gotten accepted at 4 other schools of which im leaning strongly towards Ohio State. However UM is my 1st choice!! Go CANES! GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>thnx, i just heard about 1 university, SMU, but i dont like it there.. so i was really looking forward on attending UM.. but now i cant lol.. so i'll wait for tulane or lehigh!.. lol.... gl to u!</p>