Waiting List at LSE 2009

<p>Hi everyone</p>

<p>I already did a quick search, but didn't a thread on this yet: I recently found out that I was placed on the waiting list for the MA in International Relations at LSE. Now I have no idea what that means regarding my chances of actually being admitted. Could anyone provide experience from previous years? Is there a rule of thumb that e.g. 30% of those on the waiting list will eventually be admitted!? Also, any ideas if they really need another eight weeks until I get a final reply? I suppose there's nothing I can do right now, is there?</p>

<p>As you can imagine, waiting isn't fun...</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>any advice?</p>

<p>I don’t have any advice, I wish I did. However, might you be able to tell me how long it took for LSE to get back to you from the time you applied?</p>

<p>LSE doesn’t publish any waitlist statistics, but for MA in IR is a tough course and the selection process is quite rigid just like their Economics and A&F. I though couple years ago for IR, LSE took 10% of their waitlisted for MA in IR. I know this since my friend worked at Graduate admissions. But 10% is only about 10 people</p>

<p>Thanks for your responses. </p>

<p>KING IS HERE, that’s really bad news! Only 10% of those on the waiting list are accepted? I was really hoping for better odds than that… Well, thanks anyway. </p>

<p>Schneider09, I went back and checked: not sure how the selection process worked, but my application was complete on Feb 23rd, exactly one week before I was put on the waiting list. This could either mean that they are really fast or they looked at parts of my application beforehand, since they had everything but one recommendation letter by Feb 11th. </p>

<p>Either way, they do work pretty fast. Which program are you applying for?
Good luck!</p>

<p>I applied for MSc in Theories and History of International Relations and they looked at my application on Feb 3 and got a reply back in Feb 24 which took them exactly 3 weeks so they go through applications quite fast.</p>

<p>10% is quite low but for MA in IR they have around 1000+ applications every year and their acceptance rate is about 10-15%</p>

<p>Just to make sure I get this right: </p>

<p>you’re saying LSE admits 10-15% of applicants for their Masters in IR and then another 10% of those put on the waiting list?</p>

<p>10-15% of applications are admitted by LSE for MA in IR its on their graduate website, im not sure about what % is put into waitlists, but out of the people who are waitlisted 10% of them will probably get accepted</p>

<p>Thanks 123 and King is Here. I appreciate the help! I applied for the MSc in Politics and Government in the EU with my second choice: European Political Economy. My application was complete a couple weeks ago. So I guess I am going to hear back in a couple weeks. </p>

<p>However, just wanted to say that I didn’t realize the MA IR program was so competitive!</p>

<p>MA IR
[MSc</a> International Relations MSc International Relations (Research) - Taught programmes - Graduate Prospectus - Graduate Admissions - LSE](<a href=“http://www.lse.ac.uk/resources/graduateProspectus2009/taughtProgrammes/MScInternationalRelations.htm]MSc”>http://www.lse.ac.uk/resources/graduateProspectus2009/taughtProgrammes/MScInternationalRelations.htm)</p>

<p>their intake was 99/996 which is about 10% so its very low. LSE IR is world renown so its very competitive. But I hope you get ur Politics and Government.</p>

<p>I just saw that the MSc European Political Economy has a much easier application/intake ratio (65/267). Do you guys know whether I can change my second choice after the application is submitted? I’d do that straight away, since my other choice, the MPA Public Policy and Management has a very tough ratio, too.</p>

<p>123, why don’t you contact them and ask… wouldn’t hurt would it ?</p>

<p>They also let you reapply for other programs, if the programs are still open [if you do not get your first or second choice]. That’s an option as well… however it means spending another fee on the application.</p>

<p>I did in fact talk to them today, but obviously they could tell me anything really. They referred to the website and didn’t want to make any statements on the competitiveness of the different programs or how the waiting list thing works. </p>

<p>Anyway, they also mentioned that the whole application process can take until late April…</p>

<p>Great… so basically we will all be on pins and needles until we graduate from undergrad [provided this takes until late April]. Lovely.</p>

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I applied to the same Master and I was told today that I was on the reserve group
Basically this means that if anybody declines an offer I be reconsidered.
Apparently, people on the reserve list are stronger candidates than people on the waiting list
Does anybody know about that?</p>

<p>123 my second choice is the same as yours!
Hopefully well get in</p>

<p>Solale, </p>

<p>Which Master did you apply for at LSE? I noticed that the MSc in IR and IR Research both closed yesterday. Was your status “under consideration” yesterday and did it just change today? Good luck!</p>

<p>You guys can apply to history and theories of international relations like i did. It less popular but you can take class from IR department and international history department.</p>

<p>My status changed to “you’ll know by tomorrow”… <em>scared out of my mind</em></p>

<p>Hey Daretel!</p>

<p>I applied to IR not IR research and my status changed yesterday .Before it was “under consideration”
Im wondering what are my chances with this reserve list
Im French, and we only have waiting list here
Does anybody now anything about it?</p>