"Waitlist Activity?"

<p>I've been accepted to University of Miami for the spring semester of 2013, but waitlsted for the fall semester of 2012. I signed into myUM account today and it said this:
"The University of Miami has completed its waitlist activity for the fall. A letter has been sent to you with further details and instructions."</p>

<p>What does that even mean? Anything good? Has any one received this and been accepted? Rejected? HELP! I'm anxious.</p>

<p>Hey I got the same exact letter in my UM account and I’m not sure but it sounds like a rejection. But i got into spring so I may look into tht.</p>

<p>it said the same thing on my portal but i haven’t received the letter yet. urgent to know!!</p>

<p>Anyone that didn’t receive an email and awaiting a letter, I am sorry to say that it will be a rejection. Just received mine yesterday saying that they have closed the waitlist for this year and encourage you to apply as a transfer for the 2012-2013. </p>

<p>I am honestly glad I didn’t get off the waitlist, just needed some closure ha.</p>

<p>I’m still waiting for a letter… That note as been on my UM account for more than a week.</p>