
<p>sorry if this has been asked before but i was accepted for spring 2012 and waitlisted for fall. just wondering when did students start hearing about the waitlist movement last year? do they start telling kids at the end of April?</p>

<p>Also, how does this affect housing? If i get fall term, will I be able to request a friend as my roomate? or no? since i mite not find out until mid may</p>

<p>so many views, but no replies? =(</p>

<p>im probably the one whose viewed this a few times-ive been clicking to see if there were any replies to your question!! but im sending in a deposit somewhere else (syracuse) and hoping that miami lets me know ASAP…because its still my number 1 but i dont want to do spring semester-so annoying</p>

<p>My d was wait listed for fall and accepted for spring last year too. She got off the wait list around the 1st of May, if I recall correctly. Doesn’t hurt to let admissions know you are still really interested and if feasible, visit the campus one last time or send relevant information.</p>

<p>And oh my gosh, my daughter is absolutely thrilled with Miami…and that’s every aspect: academic, social, location…couldn’t be happier!!! Even as a freshman she’s already lamenting the day she has to leave…</p>

<p>For what its worth…hope this helps.</p>

<p>Sorry…I forgot to mention…she was not penalized at all in terms of housing. She was assigned one of the two freshman dorms just like any other freshman.</p>

<p>“Even as a freshman she’s already lamenting the day she has to leave…”

<p>I’m going through a mid-college crisis right now.</p>

<p>Only two years left!</p>


<p>“Only two years left!”
Rankinr, think graduate school and then your PHD, all at UM!!! ;-D</p>

<p>WPTennis: thanks for the reply! Also, does anyone know if this will affect me getting a scholarship? I qualify for the 20K but will they have any left over by the time i get off the waitlist??</p>

<p>i was also waitlisted for fall and admitted for spring 2012, and 10 minutes ago I got an email saying i was accepted for fall 2011!</p>

<p>i guess we will be paying the whole 55k out of our own pocket?</p>

<p>i didnt complete the fafsa form. i dont believe i qualify for any merit based aid.</p>

<p>what are our options, if any?</p>

<p>dancer, if you were awarded the scholarship they should give it you whichever term to begin. I don’t know what you mean by “qualify.” I thought I qualified for the higher scholarships but I was wrong.</p>

<p>I would suggest every fill out the fasfa even though it may be annoying to get all that info together. Also, make sure you have all the documents requested on myum because it really does make a difference. I got nearly 30K in aid and grants simply because I’m independent and submitted my own tax returns for three consecutive years.</p>

<p>i was waitlisted for fall 2010 but idont think i heard anything about being accepted for the spring and i was just wondering wht my chances are</p>

<p>sats… probably what killed me 1840
gpa (out of 4.5) 4.3 unweighted this year and 4.7 weighted
2 aps
lots of extracurriculars
just sent in a letter to admissions and my quarter 3 grades</p>

<p>ugh i wanna get in so bad</p>

<p>I called them and they said that they have not released any of the waitlist decisions yet.</p>

<p>really? But I got off miamis waitlist 2 weeks ago</p>

<p>idk then did they tell you through mail or email?</p>

<p>Has anyone been accepted off the waitlist lately?</p>

<p>Does any know if we will be notified when admissions has closed and don’t expect to take anyone off the waitlist? Or do we just have to wait until June 15th and assume if we haven’t heard we didn’t get in?</p>

<p>I believe they will send a notification to everyone on the waitlist informing us that it has been closed. This will be either when the class is full or at June 15th, which ever comes first. I’m still hopeful for an email inviting me to attend!</p>

<p>I was accepted of the waitlist at the end of april. got an email and then got the package in the mail</p>