Waitlist call

<p>Two days ago, a guy from the admission office called me and asked</p>

<p>if i'm still interested in coming to wisconsin since there are some spots left.</p>

<p>He told me to talk about this by monday with my parents and let him know one the same date.</p>

<p>What does it mean? I'm still worried and happy at the same time...</p>

<p>Does it mean i am going to get in for sure? or is he just checking</p>

<p>I guess you’re in ! In the email I received, it also mentioned that I had to let him know my decision by monday 3PM.</p>

<p>My son accepted UW at the end of April. Last week he got a call from UCONN (home state) offering him a very attractive package if he would reconsider. My guess is that most colleges are doing the same prior to going to the waitlist.</p>

<p>Magicsun and Tim: did you both decide yes?</p>

<p>Yes. I accepted their offer :-)</p>

<p>and yeah, i got in!</p>

<p>Waitlist for freshman admission or waitlist for transfer admission?</p>

<p>Freshman for me</p>

<p>Great News!! My son received a call from his admission’s counselor yesterday afternoon offering him a spot this Fall for the freshman class. We are so happy for him. It has been a long haul and I want to thank everyone for their support over the past several months. I hope those of you still waiting will have your answer soon. Best wishes :)</p>

<p>JUDYJIM! Reading about your son’s waitlist call brought tears to my eyes! Congratulations to you and your son for staying strong!</p>

<p>Can you call housing to try to get on a waitlist for a UW Dorm??</p>

<p>Madison85, Thank-you very much! We feel very blessed. We are all crying with JOY at our house today. He has wanted to go to Madison since the 9th grade!!! Now we are just waiting for information to find out how we put our deposit down and sign up for housing waitlist. A much more relaxed wait than before :)</p>

<p>Congrats–very happy for you and your son and everyone getting their wish–even if it’s a little late.</p>

<p>Congrats Judyjim! My S is also in the class. He just found out who his roomate is …So the new life begins for these yongsters.</p>

<p>Maybe you’d like to ask about the learning communities as long as you are on the housing wait list. Chad seems very popular with my daughter and her friends.</p>

<p>[Chadbourne</a> Residential College - Responsible, Invested Citizens](<a href=“http://www.housing.wisc.edu/crc/]Chadbourne”>http://www.housing.wisc.edu/crc/)</p>

<p>And of course SOAR registration after your enrollment deposit is confirmed!</p>

<p><a href=“http://newstudent.wisc.edu/soar/[/url]”>http://newstudent.wisc.edu/soar/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Links to sample placement tests (taken Day 1 of SOAR):</p>

<p><a href=“http://testing.wisc.edu/contents%20of%20the%20placement%20tests.html[/url]”>http://testing.wisc.edu/contents%20of%20the%20placement%20tests.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>JudyJim - Congrats on your son’s acceptance!! I’m sure that he’s exceptionally pleased. You have always been an optimistic and upbeat contributor to the UW blogs. It’s gratifying to know that good things do happen to good people. All the best. B10P</p>

<p>Thank-you all for the nice comments and for the information on learning centers and placement sample tests. Very helpful. I will pass along to my son. Sounds like we will be applying to private residence hall since all dorms and learning centers are packed right now according to letter we received.</p>

<p>I called UW today and they told me that they would be taking “a select few” off of the waitlist? Bad sign if I haven’t gotten a call yet? How many people do you guys think are on the waitlist this year?</p>

<p>MNBADGER2011-If you are really serious about accepting a spot from waitlist my suggestion would be to update your admission counselor that you are still very interested in UW madison and add anything new spring term to your resume. I have no idea how many are actually on the waitlist but it sounds like they are offering spots as they open up. Best of luck to you !!</p>