Waitlist Discussion - Fall 2019 Virginia Tech

@tj2019dad are u sure it was 23rd? i’ve seen it start on the 26th last year but i could be wrong

How do they determine who the first of the students are to get off the waitlist? By Major?

April 26th seems to be the day that’s floating around? So we will hear back Friday supposedly?

not sure… you might be right about 4/26. Fingers crossed!

i think they will be taking people off this year because they had around the same # of applicants last year and they even increased the class 2023 number by 400! hopefully we are the year to break the trend. good luck to everyone

I just saw on the vt admissions insta that it will be after May 1st they said:/ still praying for Friday though… it seems about right but??‍♀️

What’s the @ of that page. If they posted that, that means they should be removing people.


@fhs19sr I am not able to find the vt admissions insta reference to taking people off the waitlist after May 1st. Can you provide a link. Thanks!!

It’s VTAdmissions ( look on their story) on Instagram they just did q&a

I hope a miracle happens and it’s on Friday(: that would be so awesome. Fingers crossed for everyone in the same boat right now

My counselor just said no one is coming off the waitlist and now I feel discouraged, but fingers crossed.:confused:

Your high school counselor, or Tech representative?

She emailed a rep for me because I’ve been struggling on what to do, but I think she might just be saying that. I know from
My school many people are denying tech, so I’m going in with a positive mindset.

Hang in there - next few weeks and everyone should know how much action happening.

I figured I’d make a waitlist thread so we can post our stats, ask/answer questions about the waitlist, share waitlist stories, etc. I feel like a lot of people were waitlisted this year.

My stats:
Early action - waitlisted
Business Undecided
In-state (nova)
3.82 weighted gpa
1370 SAT
Strong course rigor (all honors classes freshman and sophomore year, all IB classes junior and senior year)
Good ECs and essays (at least I think they’re good?)

anyone heard back yet??

no, also keep a check on your VT application status page. A good indication you are getting pulled off would be that your waitlist section disappears.

should get an email or phone call. they probably wont change status page
