Waitlist Discussion - Fall 2019 Virginia Tech

anyone heard anything back?

nothing yet… :frowning:

Not sure if it matters since 4/26 is a Friday. They may not want to start this process on a Friday?

When do you think they want to start it,

I don’t know. I am just thinking they may want to start it on Monday if they REALLY need to take anyone off the waitlist. Based on the info from the previous years this process would take couple days so starting from Monday might be a good idea. But that just what I thought.

This year doesn’t look good so have something else in your mind.

In the past it appears they have started waitlist calls last week of April (I assume based on the trend they are seeing in acceptances) - however, they truly don’t know the number of spaces they have for each department until 5/1 (so 5/2 would be the first day they are calling knowing the exact number of available spots).

2013- 0 people got off the waitlist. 2015- 0 people got off the waitlist. 2017- 0 People got off the waitlist. 2019- Will the pattern continue?

As to not be discouraging, Lets mention
2018 - 1896 off waitlist,
2016 - 1697 off waitlist
…. 2017 acceptance trend changed, they compensated in 2018 and had most come off waitlist in past 5 years.

Not trying to be discouraging, just stating the weird pattern that every odd year since 2013, no one has gotten off the waitlist for that odd number year.

hopefully they start monday, i have a feeling they will take people off. the long wait is nervewracking though

Has anyone heard back?

No, admissions told me friday that they will not be pulling off of waitlist until after May 1st. Although they are required to say that I do think it is the truth this year.

A classmate of mine was accepted earlier today off of the waitlist. He did not accept his offer as he has already committed to another school, but hopefully more offers come out soon!!

So they are officially pulling off the waitlist? @bb171899 Any idea what major?

@bb171899 yooo how was he notified??

Wait no way! Email or call??

will They notify you both ways… like if you get off or if you don’t get off?

@fhs19sr doubt they’d notify people that don’t get off, itd be a lot of people to send emails to

what time did they get notified

Was it email? or a call? Thanks for letting us know!