Waitlist Discussion - Fall 2019 Virginia Tech

@BuddyMitch @vtfan33 @yahyeetyah @vtwannabebio
He was notified around 2:30ish on Monday. Im going to assume that he was notified either through email or by phone call because we were in school at that time. Im not entirely sure of his intended major

oh that’s good!! hopefully they call again for some people today

So they take you off by room in your major?

@fhs19sr Yes by major. Each department has a limited # of “seats” to fill each year.

@ShenVal18 Were you removed off the waitlist?

@vtwannabebio No. Parent of a current student, but familiar with wait list via 2018 experience of another family.

Now I’m even more nervous cus that means I wasnt in the first wave of waitlist acceptances ?

I doubt there is any wave. Just few pulls for departments trending low. And we don’t even know the person called’s major.

@LittleLiam If there’s going to be substantial waitlist activity it’s going to be after tomorrow’s matriculation deadline. Like cbl1 mentioned, there might be a few departments that already heard yes/no from their entire list of offered students, so they were able to start pulling early.

What changed in the portal or did anything change at all?

Isn’t it weird that only one person has said they’ve gotten off the waitlist?

@Sadboivt_wlist i feel your username my guy

OMG they just sent me an email that said “waitlist status update” and the email said “we regret to inform you that we wont be taking anyone else off the waitlist this year”.

So sad :frowning: my heart has never jumped so high and then fallen back down so low

Well, good luck to everyone on their other pursuits.

@littleliam - What is your major? My son’s still says waitlist.

@MomMartha I’m general engineering. Gl for ur son

I spoke to soon, my son - Env Science - also just got email that they will not be releasing names off of the wait list.

I also got the same email :frowning: I applied to pamplin btw.

So that one person was making stuff up then lol

can we get an f bois