<p>Been #2 on the waitlist for this course for the past month. I can't switch to another math course because of schedule conflicts. Is there any way possible to get into the course? And if not, are there any other options I have?</p>
<p>MANY people will drop by Thursday of second week, I promise you.
Just keep going to lecture because the first quiz is given on Friday of second week.</p>
<p>I registered for Eggers (highly desired professor like Stevens) on Thursday night of second week when it had been waitlisted 15-people per section at the beginning of the term.</p>
<p>On another note, you might consider registering for a different professor and just going to Stevens’ lectures. Classes are curved based on the class’s overall performance, and since you’re on track (Fall, 10A/20A), all the exams are universal and designed by all the 10A professors together. Stevens’ class will probably score the highest, and thus the curve won’t give you a very big advantage.</p>
<p>I took Eggers for 20A fall quarter, and the grades were only given a 5% boost at the end of the term, while one of the “bad” professors gave a 15% boost, even though we all took the same midterms/finals :|</p>
<p>Hey thanks!</p>
<p>Yeah I considered registering for a different professor but none of the discussion times could fit into my schedule. But yeah, I guess I’ll wait it out then.</p>
<p>And I’m also curious, do you just not take the class if you can’t make it off?</p>
<p>i am in this class, she said today that people don’t move off waitlists if there are openings in other classes, and that there are plenty of openings. So I guess you can try and wait til people drop but good luck.</p>
<p>Yes…I heard her say that because I was sitting in the same lecture you were (WLH 2005).</p>
<p>I know there’s definitely openings in the other professor’s classes, and I’ve tried to switch but I can’t do so without experiencing scheduling conflict. For example, if I switch to Weincove, Chow, or Volpato, I can’t attend any of their scheduled discussions because another one of my classes already takes up the time slot. And for Volpato, I can’t attend his lecture because of a CSE lab.</p>
<p>@ Radiance</p>
<p>I’ll definitely wait it out up to the second Thursday but if things don’t work out, is it really okay to register for Volpato but attend Stevens’ lectures instead?</p>
<p>Why would it not be okay? Theres like 300 students per class, and the professor could careless if you went to class or not. Discussions aren’t mandatory either, they’re for your own benefit. I didn’t go to any of my lectures or discussions (except to pick up my quizzes/exams) for math.</p>
<p>The problem would be that some professors give out quizzes in lectures (I remember Stevens saying that). Yeah so if it’ll be a problem if Volpato gave out quizzes in his lectures because I can’t attend those.</p>
<p>Oh, yeah, there’s four quizzes given out each quarter (they’re on Fridays) and they’re on the calendar/syllabus, so you only have to go on those days. And, you get to drop one quiz, so you technically only have to go to 3 of them. Winter quarter, I only went to 3 lectures (for the quizzes) and still got an A. Math is pretty self-explanatory and easy to teach yourself, or at least I think so.</p>
<p>Yeah I was hoping to do that but Volpato’s the only professor I can sign up for without being on the waitlist (MWF 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM). The thing is, on Fridays, I have a CSE lab with Marx at the same time slot so I can’t make it to the Friday quizzes (there’s no way I can skip a CSE lab). </p>
<p>Anyway, that option aside, I have a pretty good chance of getting in right?
And if not, do I plead with counselors or do I just not get the class?</p>
<p>Um… it’s been two days since the quarter started.
I guarantee you will get into your class–every single class I’ve ever waitlisted, I’ve gotten into. Including my BILD 2 class that was waitlisted 87 people, I still got in by the start of the quarter.</p>
<p>People will drop within the next two weeks. What position are you anyways? As long as you’re about 5 or under, you’ll make it.</p>
<p>PS–Check WebReg often & the schedule of classes. That’s how I got my lecture last minute :)</p>
<p>Ohhh wow thanks so much!</p>
<p>Yeah I’m position #2 (TH 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM) lol</p>