Waitlisted at Carleton College RD 2021 - what happens next?

Can someone speak to the process of being put onto the Carleton waitlist? How does it work? What are the chances of an acceptance?

Looking at the Carleton Common Data Set from the past three years, the numbers taken off the WL were nine, 16 and then two last year. Clearly, chances aren’t great for anyone. The exact number who come off are mostly a function of how great the yield was from regular decision and how well the college estimated those yield numbers. No way to know whether this year will be zero or 20.

That said, if I wanted to come off the WL, I’d do a couple of things. Write a letter to my admissions rep telling them that if I were to come off the WL I absolutely would attend as Carleton is my first choice. But only say this if it’s true! I also would update them on any further achievements since you applied … All-District sports team, etc. If you are full pay, I’d find a tactful way to say that, too.

The most important thing to do for your ds or dd is to encourage them to make one final push and then forget about Carleton. Chances of getting in were slim; chances of getting off WL are even slimmer. Fall in love with one of your current options instead. If he/she happens to come off the WL it’ll be a happy surprise, but don’t spend a lot of energy hoping that that happens.

Good luck! What are the other options?