Waitlisted at Northeastern, but ACCEPTED AT BOSTON COLLEGE?????


That’s a bit contradictory :rolleyes: </p>

<p>Maybe she has better stats than you think and NEU is suffering from Tufts Syndrome.</p>

<p>just a dumb topic…discussing why someone else got accepted? please…get over yourself</p>

<p>wickedcooldude wrote:</p>

<p>“Is there anything wrong with questioning a college’s integrity in its admissions practices?”</p>

<p>Well, you gave yourself aware there… should be more careful of little slips like that. You created this post to discuss BC’s lack of integrity?</p>

<p>I don’t know which of your three possible motivations is more pitiable –</p>

<p>1) spitefully venting your disapproval of the outcome of a classmate about whom you judge yourself superior
2) creating a pretext for posting that you got into Yale
3) questioning the integrity of the admissions committee at BC</p>

<p>Please remain cloaked behind your moniker. You do indeed give a bad impression of the incoming class at Yale.</p>

<p>Last I checked, you don’t need to be ‘stellar’ to get into BC. It’s a good school, but it’s no Ivy. And Northeastern has a fairly low acceptance rate as well.</p>

<p>well honey, listen you just don’t know what those adcoms are thinking. It’s out your hands! Just let the girl have peace I mean you is going to Yale. You nigit!</p>

<p>BC is incredibly alumni focused… you are right. I am not surprised.</p>



Annnnnnddd that is why I didn’t apply to HYP.</p>

<p>I was waitlisted to the Villanova Business School. Anyone in the same boat or with any suggestions?</p>

<p>It’s ok. best to avoid controversial wording or phrasing that starts battles because sarcasm or tone are hard to pick up without voice inflection haha</p>

<p>But… who knows? There is so much more to an application than just the scores and objectives. Adcoms rarely just decide to admit a student for no reason… she probably came off as someone who would fit well at BC.</p>

<p>But honestly… you are being really spiteful and jealous. Be happy the girl got in! </p>

<p>Are you SERIOUSLY complaining when you got into Yale? I mean damn… it’s not even like she got in and you didn’t get into an IVY league school.</p>

<p>I understand perfectly well the tone of this post! You are mad that someone got into a good school which is slowly creeping up in difficulty of acceptance. It’s ok to be angry but you don’t have to hate your classmate.</p>

<p>You should kill her! No one should be allowed into BC unless YOU say so.</p>

<p>OMG people are taking the OP’s “I got into Yale because…” quote so much out of context. Cut him some slack. </p>

<p>I think the original point of the entire thread got blown out of proportion: I would question a particularly strange anomaly in the college acceptance process if I knew the applicant’s situation/qualification and about the school in question (eg: typically accepted stats etc.) Something just didn’t add up in his opinion, and he wants to know what others think.
I don’t know much about BC in specific, but that does seem strange. It’s so disillusioning to get to this point in the college process after we worked our butts off for most of our lives, and find that it’s not as simple as hard work + good grades + good ec’s + good test scores = acceptance!
Things like legacies, affirmative action, financial aid and the rest of that BS complicates it so much.</p>

<p>^That sounds really mean. You should NEVER resort to murder even if your high school rival gets into a good school. I don’t think he should have the final say about who gets into BC, Vitare.</p>

<p>Woah I was kidding.</p>

<p>Although I feel no ill-will towards the girls admissions sucess, her wait-list at NE is indeed questionable. BC is a much, much better school! I guess this is yet another case of college admission oddity… </p>

<p>Perhaps the adcom at NE wasn’t feelin’ her application. It happens, a lot.</p>

<p>Seriously? Who cares about your friend and BC? Focus on yourself…because all of this jealousness or other stuff is worthless.</p>

<p>Seriously, stop spreading your hatred to everyone you meet WickedCoolDude! Isn’t Yale enough for you? Why do you want to bring down this poor, deserving girl who got accepted into BC!</p>

<p>Well, I think you are all over reacting to the OP’s post. He is just bringing up a fact that happens every day in every school both college and the elite private hs’s. Sometimes things don’t appear on the outside what they really are on the inside. This actually happened to a friend of mine that was accepted to an elite private HS. One of the girls that was also accepted from her ms class just didn’t make any sense (could barely do the work in MS). The speculation went on for months: How could this happen??!! Moral of the Story: She graduates this coming May and did great at the elite private (yes, her mom was an alum but oh, well).</p>

<p>Back to the original point of this thread…</p>

<p>OP, I don’t know how BC’s admissions are, but I can tell you that Northeastern is so so strange. I was accepted with a scholarship and I’m literally ranked 105/448. Meanwhile, my friend who is ranked 7/448 was waitlisted. Perhaps it had to do with the major she applied. But in any case, NEU is really weird with their admission.</p>