Waitlisted at Purdue?

So I just got waitlisted for Biomedical engineering at Purdue today. They told me that I could have the option of switching my major and having my application re-evaluated, but I’m not sure whether I should stick with Biomedical Engineering or switch to another major. If I do stick with biomedical engineering, I may have to wait until mid-June to hear back from Purude. What should I do?

It’s really weird because I just got accepted to the University of Michigan for the same major, which is supposedly much harder to get into than Purdue. Why do you think this happened? My ACT is a 33 (34 superscored) and unweighted GPA is a 3.84. I have pretty good ec’s and decent recs and I thought it would be enough to get into Purdue.

@jhu_reject It all depends on what your top school is. You got into UMich engineering (which is really difficult), so you can always attend there.

What would you change your major too at purdue? If you change it to a non-engineering major, you will probably have a difficult time transferring back into engineering. Is it worth the risk to you?

Best of luck and I hope it works out for you :slight_smile:

The difference between Purdue and Michigan is that Purdue is rolling admissions. If you just recently received a decision you probably sent your application out in January. Purdue considers applications as they come in and will fill their classes early. It’s not a good school to consider to add much after December.

Just as Ivvcsf said, it’s because FYE is almost full already. Also, I strongly recommend you to go to UMichigan. They have superior engineering program to Purdue FYE.