WAITLISTED from JHU and CMC??!!!

<p>o wow. I found out that I got waitlisted to Johns Hopkins University and Claremont McKenna College within fifteen minutes of each other. In December, I was deferred from Stanford. I seriously must be the most generic applicant ever. No one wants me (well, except for USC, and a few others). :( I fear the worst for Stanford now. I guess that's what happens when I write really short essays (for CMC) or totally blast JHU in a published newspaper article I wrote. lol :) that was fun, though. O well... It wasn't the fact that I got waitlisted from these schools. I could care less what they think of me. I'd rather go to SC. But I'm just worried about what this means for my chances for Stanford, which is my number 1 choice. I'm not expecting much from any of my others schools now, especially Stanford... :(</p>

<p>cheer up. at least being wait-listed is better than rejection. plus, you haven't written really short essays for Stanford or totally blast Stanford in a published paper, right? each school looks for different things. and no one will know how it will turn out until friday</p>

<p>that's true. Thank you for that. I just got really scared and had to vent my feelings somewhere... It's already done anyways. Whatever happens happens- at least I gave Stanford my best shot.</p>

<p>LOL can I ask if JHU actually saw the newspaper?</p>

<p>Don't worry I got waitlisted at CMC and got in USC too.</p>

<p>I don't actually know if they read it. It's online if they really wanted to see it. But by the time I wrote that article I really didn't want to go there anymore. lol The article was about ethics among premed students. I mentioned a lot of schools in the article (including Stanford), but I didn't speak negatively about Stanford, like I did JHU and Brown.</p>

<p>^ As someone interested in premed, I would love to read your article. Is there any way that you could link me to it?</p>

<p>sure, I'll pm it to you. Let me know what you think! Thanks! lol :)</p>

<p>"I seriously must be the most generic applicant ever. No one wants me (well, except for USC, and a few others)."</p>

<p>Bah, I hate decision season on CC. It creates this attitude in so many capable, intelligent students. I've been in your shoes. It works out. Bear in mind that the two schools that waitlisted you are AMAZING schools, and the one you're waiting for is the same. You're probably among the very, very small percentage of students in the country who even had a shot in the first place, which in itself makes you totally and completely UN-generic. I have a little sister who is AWESOME, and whose life currently revolves around daily mailcheck for a USC acceptance (for <em>any</em> acceptance, actually), so while I know that you're feeling very discouraged right now, find some perspective. The position that you're in, while clearly not a happy-feeling one right now, is one of extreme privilege and achievement.</p>

<p>So feel free to wallow a little (that's what being 17ish is all about), but try also to see the situation for what it is. I'm not trying to put this in a "you're lucky to even be going to college, there are starving children in the world" context, because that's useless to you. But the fact that you've gotten into multiple schools, at least one of which is highly well-respected, is simply NOT a bad situation, even if it's not your ideal! So don't stress this early in the game. Speaking personally, I'm at a school that I wound up at by accident, and I look back at a number of rejections and go "Thank God they didn't take me."</p>

<p>I'm really trying not to sound harsh, so hopefully I don't...it's just so discouraging to see amazing students saying "I suck," and to hear them neutral or unhappy about acceptances that many are hoping so hard for. I do hope that you hear more good news soon...I'm sure it'll come :-)</p>