Waitlisted Harvard University Class of 2022

what does the update say?

Whatā€™s the date of the update? 5/16?

Itā€™s dated 5/16 but is not viewable

@gibby so is there any hope for an international? Itā€™s kind of sad for us ;_;

Mine is dated 4/13 and is also not viewable. Did not send anything.

My update is dated 5/7. Didnā€™t send anything myself.

I assume no one who got a phone call has the mysterious update?

My update is dated 5/2. I sent an extra letter of recommendation, but that was sent around 4/24. The first time I noticed the update was yesterday, though.

And yes, I havenā€™t received a phone call yet.

Would this mean those with updates under forms are being offered admission? Or will they notify those they are rejecting the same way?

Of course thereā€™s hope, but given the odds I would think your chances would be significantly less than a waitlisted US applicant.

The mysterious update is under the Application Checklist. I assumed mine was not a good sign, honestly. I am trying so hard to move on and be happy about the choices that I have. Good luck to everyone and Congratulations to those who got in!

Has anyone called the admissions office for clarification

I know same here. I know a lot of people recommend to forget about it early and move on, but it isnā€™t that easy :'D I donā€™t have an update to my portal and I have no idea what to think

To those with the update, does it say ā€œWaitlist Reply Deadline: ā€¦ā€ followed by a date? Two years ago, someone had that in their portal and got accepted

I received no phone call and no update on the portal. Iā€™m assuming this is a rejection lol Iā€™m very confused. But I did send in multiple supplementary materials. I donā€™t know what this means, can someone clarify?

No update for me either

I have the Application Checklist update on May 11th as well. I am assuming that everyone on the waitlist gets one of these. (It could be the admission committeeā€™s notes on your application or something like that.)

@bluedevil8130 did you get a phone call at all?

On mine it is the very last row on the application checklist, and it says wait list update, and it is dated 5/2. It doesnā€™t say anything else. It is identical to the waitlist updates that I sent them on 4/6. Very confusing.

I donā€™t have any sort of update other than the materials I sent in in April; have not received phone call either.