Waitlisted to Accepted

<p>Hey, its just how it sounds. I was waitlisted and then I received an email today saying I got accepted. I was just curious if this has happened to anyone else so far. Also i want to know if UM gives generous financial aid because there is no way i can go if i don't get any money.</p>

<p>my boyfriend was waitlisted but then accepted like 3 weeks ago. He didn't get any money. although I wouldn't expect him to...</p>

<p>At many schools, waitlisted applicants don't get merit money because these funds have already been commited. Schools usually will try to give need based aid though.</p>

<p>I got off of the wait list a little more than a week ago. </p>

<p>They weren't kidding when they said they have limited financial aid available. I got 5k in loans...too bad I don't have 200k sitting in the bank.</p>

<p>That sucks. I went to their website and this is what they said: "We have one of the nation’s most extensive and generous financial assistance programs." From what it sounds like that doesn't seem true. What were your EFC's?</p>

<p>I GOT OFF THE WAITLIST! IM IN IM IN IM IN ZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMGZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111 NOW I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO F-I-Who?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111</p>

<p>When do we recieve scholarship/financial aid info, if at all?</p>

<p>Congrats! Soo...are you going to go? jk
Anyway it took me 3 days to get my package and I am in Oregon. Havent received my financial aid stuff though which is what I am really waiting for.</p>

<p>YAY for Bubby!!!!!!
That's how I felt on May 1st when I realized I was going to go!!
Well, cheers, my friend, to Miami '12!</p>

<p>my EFC was 17.8k and I got 11,500 dollars</p>

<p>yep im going. I have to recieve some sort of fin. aid. My EFC is a few thousand dollars lower than the cost of attendance, even if living w/ parent. I'm going to be ****ed if I don't get anything. We can't afford to attend without at least something.</p>

<p>My EFC is $6000 so i will need money or I wont be able to attend as well. Burgler, did you get that much money after being accepted off the waitlist?</p>

<p>My EFC is $33,125. Since they jacked up tuition and the cost of attendance for commuter students is above $40,000, I need to recieve something or else I will overwork my parents and put myself into a great student debt. I don't even have a car! And because of the increase, I will not be recieving one after my high school graduation. Bummer.</p>

<p>Doesn't the money come from the government? Or does it come from the school? (Not scholarship, just financial aid)</p>

<p>I just got financial aid. I got a Resident Access Grant and some subsidized Stafford Loans, in addition to my Bright Futures award. It's still a lot of money to pay, though.</p>

My EFC is $6000 so i will need money or I wont be able to attend as well. Burgler, did you get that much money after being accepted off the waitlist?


<p>Nope, I am a transfer student. I was accepted outright.</p>

<p>Bubby, I didn't get any money from the government.. only UM.. UM was my first choice and also the only college out of 5 to offer me Financial Aid :D</p>

<p>I got $18200 to attend. I dont think it will be enough though. Ill be $120000 (plus interest) in debt. I cant handle that.</p>