<p>^thanks for the information and the confidence boost, wirefox. :)</p>
<p>@bigshot it takes a big man to kick someone when they are down…</p>
<p>All first year students live on Grounds. I don’t think housing even starts their process until some time in June. Students offered spots after being on the waiting list all live in housing just like everyone else.</p>
<p>Dean J… How many were offered a spot on the wait-list? I know it isn’t known how many people have accepted it yet… I just want to know the chances I’m accepted off of it. Because it hard to accept defeat from your first choice, but it is eventually necessary.</p>
<p>as soon as I saw the decision with my application, I pressed the button to add myself on to the waitlist. it is a long wait, and it is difficult having to face my peers (as many were accepted into UVa), but if I am accepted eventually it will all be worth it (: </p>
<p>for those of you who were also waitlisted, I recommend talking to your counselor about your options. that’s what I plan to do this coming Monday.</p>
<p>In 2009, 420 students were admitted from a waitlist of 3,883 students. That’s about 11%, so its not impossible to get off of the waitlist…good luck to everyone else waitlisted.</p>
<p>btw this info is from the UVA common data set:
[Common</a> Data Set: Institutional Assessment and Studies, University of Virginia](<a href=“http://www.web.virginia.edu/iaas/datacatalog/cds/admission.shtm]Common”>http://www.web.virginia.edu/iaas/datacatalog/cds/admission.shtm)</p>
<p>@ the man44</p>
<p>Dean J responded to the request for waitlist data on her blog yesterday.</p>
<p>On subsequent requests for the data (there were several), she simply stated “I’m sorry, but I don’t have additional statistics at this time. I shared statistics in the post that went up around 4 PM on Friday.”</p>
<p>You can find her post here:</p>
<p>[Notes</a> from Peabody: The UVA Application Process: Let’s talk about decisions: The Waiting List](<a href=“Notes from Peabody: The UVA Application Process: Let's talk about decisions: The Waiting List”>Notes from Peabody: The UVA Application Process: Let's talk about decisions: The Waiting List)</p>
<p>if slots come available earlier would they let you know before the interval of mid may to june? do you think they would start telling people right after may 1st?</p>
<p>Yes. Last year, we started making waiting list offers on May 3rd or 4th. We want to move as quickly as possible!</p>
<p>Are there any really negatives about staying on the waitlist?</p>
<p>well if you dont want to go to uva then i wouldnt recommend it. I would only do the waitlist if you already decided you would go there if you were lucky enough to get in. If not then you’re just going to prolong the process and make more people who actually want to go to the school frustrated.</p>
<p>thank you. I guess I’ll get my other decisions and go from there</p>
<p>Waitlist Statistics for UVA
Applicants Placed: 3,238
Applicants Accepting: 2,159
Students Enrolled: 60</p>
<p>From College *******</p>
<p>CDS is more accurate^. If I get in off the waitlist, I’m almost positive I’m going. UVA is/was one of my top 2 choices. But I’m going to assume the most likely scenario that I won’t get in, and decide between LA and Cal. Still waiting on ND though.</p>
<p>RAD is right. CDS should be the better source…but keep in mind that the numbers are from 2009. We made a conscious effort to cut the waiting list in 2010.</p>
<p>Can you tell us the numbers Dean J?</p>
<p>ohh @RAD I’m also waiting on Notre Dame! both schools were tied as my first choice, but I have a feeling after being waitlisted at UVa that I may be rejected from ND (a waitlist would be lovely though!) It’s interesting that we both like similar schools (:</p>
<p>^yea, I just wished these schools liked us as much we liked them. Hopefully we both get good news from ND this week. On the ND forum, they said decisions were mailed this past friday so we should have our decisions by friday April 1st at latest.</p>
<p>@Dean J, this year, did you guys try to cut the waitlist even more, expand it, or keep it roughly the same size as last year? Not asking for specific numbers, just a general statement, if you could.</p>
<p>I mistakenly answered your question on the other waiting list thread, Rad. I was tapping on my phone and lost track of which questions were in which thread!</p>
<p>Maybe we should pick one WL thread for all of this discussion to make it easier to keep track. :)</p>
<p>A friend’s daughter was also waitlisted last year (TJ), and she got in. Please do hold onto some hope. Obviously, do accept another offer and risk losing the deposit --worth the cost imo. But, do know that there will be some movement on WL. Best to you all.</p>