
<p>My daughter would like a specific organic chemistry professor and specific biology teacher next semester, but the organic chem prof has no slots left and the Bio prof has only a few slots left. She can not register until tomorrow afternoon.</p>

<p>After reading the waitlist rules it sounds like she can not sign up for a different organic chem prof's section and waitlist for the prof's sections that she wants. Is there anyway around this? </p>

<p>She is afraid if she just waitlists the section she wants, and does not sign up for an open section with the 2nd best teacher, she may end up getting the worst prof for organic chem.</p>

<p>Thanks for any help you can give.</p>

<p>First of all, sometimes you just get bad professors :/</p>

<p>Second, on the choosing-your-courses site, you put in the class number AND the section number you want. If its closed, then a waitlist option will show up. After going on the waitlist, you choose the same class again, but with an open section number and this one goes on your schedule.</p>

<p>Pretty sure this is how it works.</p>

<p>My son has faced this situation at his school, not UMD. What he did was this, He waited, did not sign up for the bad professor, all the classes filled up, then he got the override into the class he wanted. A friend of his didn’t do this, took the bad professor, and suffered all semester. Only thing is, you have to hope all the classes fill up.</p>

<p>Not trying to start a flame war, but that seems like an immature way to handle the situation. Just pick a professor like everyone else.</p>

<p>Plus, most advisers won’t budge if classes are full, even if you cry to them that you need to take the course. I have an engineering friend who still hasn’t taken ENES100 and is a sophomore!</p>