Wake Forest Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission


Keep checking every 15 minutes or soā€¦ my daughter checked around 7:10pm and it wasnā€™t there and checked again at 7:30ish it was thereā€¦


It says on the website if you do an interview, it would be the following month from that interview youā€™d find out!

It says all green check marks and interview (optional) must be in by month end to get an answer the following month endā€¦ but I am sure there are exceptions.

This is torture. Lol


i know, and I am trying to prepare myself for waiting another month ā€¦.

This is what it says exactly on the website @veeshla about your scenario! :
ā€œYou submit your application and application materials in [September], and later submit your request to interview; however, you donā€™t complete that interview until early [October]. You would receive your admissions decision at the end of November.ā€

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Driving us crazy! Any chance its tomorrow or Monday? Both seem like such unlikely days! D is completely in range to hear back this month so is worried that her decision is pushed back because they are unsure

My son got accepted!!!


Congrats! Nothing for us!

I got accepted!! :partying_face:


Well there you have itā€¦thanks for the info! although unfortunately means the DS likely not finding out today :frowning: Oh well - best of luck everyone!

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we are ACCEPTED!


Iā€™ll see you here in November ;-). Hopefully before thanksgiving


would those accepted/deferred (if comfortable) share some of their stats/info for us data-heads. Congratulations to everyone accepted - very exciting! and to those not acceptedā€¦itā€™s a long process and itā€™ll all work out (at least thatā€™s what weā€™re telling ourselves :)!


Deferred for us! :cry: Know itā€™s not a no but my girl is upset.

D stats accepted 10/28 at 7:30pm

32 ACT
4.4 GPA
15 APS rest honors
AP Diploma Recipient
6 years of cancer research, additional info section described the research
Plenty of national, state, regional awards and scholarships from research!


Accepted stats:

4.65 weighted gpa
Did not report ACT but got 31
Took Summer Immersion courses
Submitted 3 letters of rec
Did the interview
Lots of activities incl basketball, volleyball, academic clubs
Had volunteer job the past 2 summers in addition to paid job

Congrats to everyone! For those who didnā€™t get the news they wanted, I firmly believe everyone ends up where God intends. It all works out! Go Deacs!!

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Forgot to mention my son had all AP and honors too

Accepted 10/28:

No SAT/ACT score submitted.
4.27 out of 4 (Weighted)
7 AP classes, 1 dual-enroll class, rest honors
1 Letter of Rec
ECā€™s: Manager at job, a lot of community service, track, 2 years theater.
Sent the Video instead of Interview

Good luck next month!