Wake Forest Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

For those waiting for a decision this month, please try to enjoy the long weekend with your Senior child knowing you will definitely have an answer next week. It feels like forever but it will come soon enough!!!

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Itā€™s out.


just out

My son got it. OMG so happy


How were you notified? Email? Or did you just check the portal?

Daughter accepted tonight too. Beyond thrilled. Congrats to all who were accepted.


Congrats all who got in tonight! Would you mind posting stats?

OOS CT, 4.51 weighted GPA, 7 APs, 3 dual enrollment, dual language student (French/Russian - president of Russian club), multiple leadership positions in service club, college level research, ambassador for local childrenā€™s hospital, did interview early October


Very excited that my daughter was accepted tonight as well. Submitted application materials end of September, interviewed mid October, and received decision this evening around 8PM. Stats: 4.55 weighted GPA, 15 APs, 3 years Varsity Volleyball with her team finishing state championship runner up last year, 2 Years student council president, math instructor at Mathnasium, 33 ACT. Congratulations to all who got accepted!

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hey! im from puerto rico and I got accepted today :grin:. these are my stats: 3.77 gpa, did not submit test scores, doing the IB diploma (all IB classes), leadership roles in 3 clubs, started my own non profit organization, and i also give free jiu jitsu/self defense classes to kids with autism. i also do many other things around my community and I also did all the optional essays + the optional interview :slight_smile:


Very excited, son was accepted! CT, no hooks, 4.12 w, 3.72 uw, ACT 35 superscore, 34 single test. Applied Oct 18, everything in by the end of Oct. Requested an interview but didnā€™t get one. Did the video instead, answered all the essay questions. Didnā€™t get an email, just checked the portal.


My daughter was accepted and is super thrilled! Still cannot believe it. Ohio, weighted GPA 4.33, 8 APs, lots of honors classes, 3 additional classes at a local community college. Captain of her tennis team, Division I doubles finalist and 2X doubles semi finalist, did interview, did not submit test scores. Congratulations everyone


My son who was accepted yesterday has pretty much the exact same stats,4.3 GPA, test optional, Captain of tennis team and state doubles champion and tons of community service

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When are results for Nov. ED submitters expected ā€“ Dec. 16 or 23?

Last year decisions came out on Wednesday 12/15. We were expecting a Friday release as that had been the norm, so we were surprised to find out on a Wednesday. Good luck!

I have a feeling another round may come out Wednesday nov 30th, since that would be the end of the month and if they continued to release every Wednesday then all decisions would be out before dec 15th.

Did anyone who did not interview and did not submit the video get in? My daughter did neither and is now regretting it.

My guess is that there are lots of RD kids who get in without interview or video, but they want to see ED kids showing maximum interest (completing all the supplemental essays, visiting the school, etc).

The interview has long been a part of the application process, so I think completing the video would be beneficial for ED or RD as a substitute,

Thanks for the response. She applied RD so hoepfully itā€™s not a deal-breaker.

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