<p>So, I had to move my audition appointment for the Point Park Unifieds, and they moved me to the walk-in appointments. Does anyone know any details about these? Like if I should get there an hour early two hours? If they don't consider you as much because you are a walk in? Any help would be immensly appreciated. I'm just really worried I won't get to audition...</p>
<p>So, let me get this straight: you originally scheduled an appt to audition for Point Park during Unifieds, but had to change the time or date (or both) so they told you the only thing they can offer is a walk in appt?</p>
<p>Yes, that’s what they told me, and when I asked if that meant I had a definate slot in the walk-in appointments they said that it was still first come first serve basis.</p>
<p>Ok, so Cait, the best you can do (I am assuming you had absolutely NO choice but to change the time and date) is to show up very early (like, first thing that morning, if you can) and talk to the people behind the table to see where they might be able to squeeze you in. Make yourself as available as possible at various times (within reason … I understand that if your schedule would have allowed a lot of freedom, you would have kept the original appt.) and check back frequently to ask if they have room. Also (and this goes without saying) be extremely nice/cordial and polite to the folks behind the table, who will be stressed out. Be as accommodating as you can be. </p>
<p>And no, as far as I can tell, schools do not hold it against an auditioner if she auditions as a walk in. My D did a walk in at Penn State during NYC Unifieds last year (PSU was on her original list but got axed for various stupid reasons as she finalized it) and she got in and came very very close to going there. So it does happen. </p>
<p>Also, if you have not applied to PPU and if it is truly one of your top choices, make sure to apply now and have your SAT scores and such sent there. That way, if they like you a lot at Unifieds, it makes it easy for them to accept you without having to wait for stuff. </p>
<p>Oh, yeah, don’t forget your resume and headshot. Best wishes. I can tell by your post that you are stressed about this, but try to believe (because it’s true) that it will all sort itself out in the end.</p>
<p>The way I understand it, is that Cait already applied, right? And she had an audition appointment and had to move it, right? It is odd that they only gave her a walk in option as she is not entirely a walk in candidate as she has already applied. But maybe their schedule was full for the regular slots. </p>
<p>If that is the case, when you go to the walk in (and arrive early for it as NMR advises), make it VERY clear that you applied in the fall and had an audition appointment set at one point but had to change it and so you make it clear that you are not really a true “walk in” who just decided to audition on a whim. Make it clear that you have already applied and advocate to be seen (but as polite as possible). I would also let the school know on the phone in advance if any cancellations come up (like you created one for other kids by changing your appt), to let you know if it any become available.</p>
<p>Good idea (about calling frequently to see if they have cancellations), Susan. I doubt that they will take the initiative (too busy) to call Cait, so if she checks in, she may well end up with a time. And I think your idea of telling the people at the table that you originally had a time but had to change it is an excellent one.</p>
<p>Sooze, the reason I said to apply is that my D did not choose to audition for PPU, so I am not sure if that is one of the schools you have to already have applied to to get an audition date. I know I scheduled auditions for my own kid last year without her having <em>yet</em> applied, so it is possible that Cait got an audition time and date and has not yet sent her application materials in. I just wanted to remind her not to overlook that.</p>
<p>NMR, your advice is excellent. </p>
<p>Point Park is one of the schools where you must apply to secure an audition date and so it is not like some others where the applicant can get an audition scheduled without an app filed. That is why it is a little odd to me that Cait could not get a regular audition appt. and was told to come to walk ins since she has an app on file and had an audition date originally scheduled. Thus she is not a regular walk in type candidate. So, I think she should make it known at the desk at the sign in that she already has applied, had an audition date, and is just changing her time and the slots were full by then. If I were on the school’s panel, I would view that differently than a walk in. </p>
<p>Your idea is great that Cait keep calling PPU ahead of time to see if any cancellations occur and to keep expressing her interest to have one of those regularly scheduled slots.</p>
<p>PS…I should add that PPU is one of the schools where a candidate can even be academically accepted prior to the audition date as it is a bifurcated admissions process at Point Park.</p>
<p>Thank you both of you for your input, I greatly appreciate it. I will definately follow your advice, and it just so happens I was already academically accepted so I will also make a comment about my moved appointment!</p>
Great…congrats on the academic acceptance. Mention when you sign in that you are already accepted but had to switch your appointment time and are hoping you can be accommodated. Break a leg!