Want to chance me?

<p>GPA: 92
SAT: 2100
About a thousand ECAs
NROTC Scholarship
Tons of Leadership
Kick Ass Essay</p>

<p>and my school is like the one of the toughest and best in new jersey</p>

<p>Sounds good - do apply.</p>

<p>That 92 GPA would be the equivalent of a 3.3-3.4 GPA at schools that have a 93 - 100 = A grading scale like some schools do. How does UW-Madison adjust for that when considering applicants? According to their Likelihood of Admission Chart...
<a href="http://admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_FreshmanExpectations.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://admissions.wisc.edu/images/UW_FreshmanExpectations.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>...UW-Madison seems to give more weight to GPA than to standardized test scores. That makes me wonder how UW-Madison reconciles different grading scales between schools. Anyone know?</p>

<p>Since the chart says unweighted, academic GPA, I would assume that all GPAs will be converted to a 4.0 scale (no bonus for honors or AP) and will include just academic courses, probably not things like gym class.</p>

<p>The question is, how does UW-Madison account for differences in high school grading scales? A's at some high schools would be B's at others, and vice versa.</p>

<p>AH, maybe that is a question for 'Ask the Dean'.</p>

<p>exactly, as my school graduates 99% to 4 year colleges, it is extremely competative, and i have little doubt i would have at least an unweighted 3.9 at my local public school</p>


<p>Very good chance. UW is pretty familiar with most better NJ high schools.</p>

<p>I take all IB classes, which is equivalent to AP/honors
My GPA has dropped a little bit from freshman/sophmore year since I took the IB classes.
Does Wisconsin take into account my course rigor? I know they look at unweighted gpa but still once they see my classes will that help explain a dip in gpa.
If not then I seriously regret taking IB Math and Chemistry.</p>

<p>they state in most books that course strength is a top consideration</p>

<p>Found a little bit more info in the 2007-2008 Data Digest. Page 18 lists the Academic Preparation of New Freshman, broken down by Class Rank and SAT or ACT Scores. Page 19 shows the graphics.
<a href="http://www.bpa.wisc.edu/datadigest/DataDigest2007-2008.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.bpa.wisc.edu/datadigest/DataDigest2007-2008.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks, JiffsMom for that info from the Office of Budget, Planning and Analysis.</p>

<p>Thanks- OOS applicants may also find the alumni state distribution on page 97 of interest- you can't escape us.</p>

<p>^ Looks like those who attend UW-Madison will be in plenty of good company! :)</p>