Want to drop out of IB help!

I been taking IB the first 2 week already and is really
Stress me out…so i talk to my guidance and tell her i want to get out of full IB and take only 2-3 classes of IB and she said no!! So I talk to her again and give my reason 3 times already she still said no!! But she take my classmate who have higher gpa score than me out of IB the first yime they ask… Is there anything i can do to make her get me out? My IB teacher also told my guidance to get me out of Ib because im stressing out lately but she still said no!! And english is my second language so is really hard for me to survive in full IB… Please help is there any law or anything that state teacher can’t force student to take IB classes? By the way i didnt register to take IB classes so i dont know why i ended up in this mess :frowning:

Have you tried getting your parents involved into this? It seems very strange your guidance counselor is so adamantly refusing to transfer you out of IB classes when you didn’t even register to take them.

Get your parents involved, talk to the principal or vice principal. Be ready to accept what ever classes are still available even if none are IB. Threaten to change schools. But, it is late in the semester for class changes so they probably still won’t do it. So, buckle down and study.

I can’t believe you didn’t register for IB since you have to sign pledges and things like that.