Washington & Lee Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Because clearly I have no idea how to use these boards

Those waiting on Johnson Scholarship decision—do y’all think it will come at the end of the day on Friday like the invite did?

D had a 36 ACT, 4.0 unweighted with all honors/12 AP classes, #1/520, SGA President as well as president of service organizations and multiple sports.


Would your daughter be interested in adding a perspective from those who went through the virtual part of the Johnson weekend experience? Might be a fun thing to add in the article :smiley:

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I think I remember hearing someone saying that decisions would come “10 days” after the event/interview (but I have very bad memory so uh
yeah. If any finalists would like to support or correct me on that, feel free) - so I’m assuming in the next couple of days. Nervous as all heck :grimacing:


Thank you! D just got the email saying that they will update their status in the portal at 8pm Eastern tomorrow night! So, so nervous!!


Is it only for J. finalists or for all applicants?

I think this one is just for the scholarship.

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Yes. I will dm you her email

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For those of us who didn’t get Johnson scholarship when do we receive admissions decisions?


Is this what you’re asking for? It looks like RD is notified April 1.


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There is an admitted students day on April 2. Anyone planning to attend?

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We are going - My daughter visited for Johnson weekend, and now we want to check it out before she makes final decision. Excited to visit- going for an extra day to have some time to explore. @RSM- I sent you a direct message!

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Fantastic! We are excited about the visit too. Hope to meet others.

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So, I read that as a “by April 1st” date, since it is a table of deadlines. Last year decision day was 3/31. However, for the 3 years before that it was the Friday before 3/31, so (3/20, 3/22 and 3/23). Somebody on Reddit posted several weeks ago that their “Likely Letter” listed 3/25, which is in line with the 3 years prior to last year. Of course, I take most things on Reddit with a grain of salt. If it is this week then either tomorrow or Thursday at the latest, an email will come stating that decision day is Friday, because that is what happened those 3 years. With an admitted student’s day on 3/2, 3/1 seems like a late decision day though.

BTW - this is just speculation; I’m not saying I am right. But just looking at data from previous years including a post in 2018 saying that the website says decision day is 4/1. They were released 3/23 that year. So, I think there is a chance decision day could be this week.


I hope you are right! Good luck to all RD applicants!


Thank you

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Thank you for this info. I would love to attend Admitted Students Day if I get in. If we find out this week, maybe I could make the trip!


It looks there are two options of admitted student days. Great schedules
 so different from last year with all the covid restrictions in place. Enjoy!

The email just came in - decisions Friday at 8:00 pm eastern