Washington & Lee Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Got mine, too! So nervous and excited!

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Anybody who is waitingā€“ā€“see if you can register for one of the admitted student days. I believe in years past it was a way to tell if you have gotten in. They could have patched it though. For me it says I must be an admitted student first, so probably not a good sign haha unless they have fixed it.

8am or 8pm?

Also does anyone know when their financial aid information is released?

Sorry, pm

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It says ā€œyou must be an admitted student firstā€ for me as well. :slight_smile:

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Same for me

Darn, I got waitlisted! Better than a rejection though, but I donā€™t think Iā€™m opting into the waitlist. If anybody has the acceptance rate, please share it because Iā€™m curious to know.

I submitted a 34 ACT, am 3rd in my class, counselor put most rigorous course load, I had lots of leadership like being FBLA state president, class president, other roles in clubs like VP and president, several state awards for FBLA and even a national oneā€¦trying to think what else but I thought I had a chance because I even visited and went to a lot of info sessions! Iā€™ve been accepted into Notre Dame, Villanova, Richmond (w/ merit), UMiami (w/ merit), and then I have full-ride scholarships at Creighton University and IU Bloomington (THAT one they have half the people decline the scholarship to attend iviesā€¦not sure if Iā€™m ivy material haha but I didnā€™t have a bad app), so Iā€™m guessing W&L didnā€™t like my essays or I just didnā€™t have good luck! All fine though. I also interviewed and I thought it was alright. Not my best but definitely not my worst.

Congrats to anyone and everyone who was accepted!! Such an amazing school and a gorgeous campus.


My son got in, but got no finaid, and at full price of $79K a year we wonā€™t be able to afford it. I am sooo sadā€¦


accepted but no financial aid :frowning: I have other acceptances on my list, but the price is a big factor. oh well, Iā€™ll still visit since Lexington + the campus is so gorgeous!


Daughter admitted.

North Carolina
4.0 UW/4.66 W
33 ACT
lots of clubs, leadership, volunteer hours etc.

Lots of excellent choices with a variety of price tags! Decision time!


Same situation here. We were hoping for some, but nothing mentioned in the letter. :frowning:

Similar situation here. Over 1400 SAT, 4.93 GPA, Science Olympiad medals, NHS, Treasurer of National Art HOnor Society, Arts, Sports, Volunteering, working, visited, interviewed, strong recommendations, AP classes, etc. Got rejected. Only one so far. Maybe it was the essay or just too many applicants.


I was waitlisted, but am unsure if I should join the waitlist. I wonā€™t be able to afford it full price, and it sounds like they donā€™t give very much financial aid. Is it worth it for me to accept the waitlist?





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I was under the impression that W&L was generous with aid for those that require it.

I guess they donā€™t outline financial aid for those on the waitlist so you canā€™t tell what they will offer?

I assume you applied for financial aid. Doesnā€™t that calculate your expected family contribution?

I found this table interesting which estimates the expected family contribution based on household income:

So, for example, a family that earns about $150,000 would be expected to pay around $16,600, and lower family incomes are expected to contribute less.

How strong is your desire to attend W&L? I believe (but donā€™t know) that the school leans heavily on their waitlist to try to distinguish among the many qualified candidates. Trying to distinguish between those with a burning desire to attend vs the common app ā€œcast a wide netā€ strategy that seems so prevalent these days. ED I and ED II are good indicators, but itā€™s the RD pool thatā€™s hardest to sort, and giving colleges the most difficulty in setting the desired class size.

(Edit: fixed typo)


This is my impression as well, based on conversations with current families.

But the key is that financial aid offices calculate need and that may not align with what some families are comfortable paying. If however a financial aid offer is significantly different from what was expected based on the NPC, families should contact the financial aid office for a review.

Best wishes to all as you make your college decisions! :grin:

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wondering the sameā€¦

Logically, why wouldnā€™t you? If you get off the list without adequate aid, you will be in the same position as you are now. If you get off with great aid, you are in a much better position than now. Bottom line: no downside, huge upside.