WashU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Thxs. That’s just around the corner!:crossed_fingers:

any idea if it’s been announced yet?

We received this email on Feb 3rd " The wait is almost over. We’ll release admissions decisions for applicants in the Early Decision II round late afternoon on February 10. Keep an eye on your inbox, and we’ll send an email when it’s time to log in to the [WashU Pathway]"

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any idea on what time?

The word is late afternoon. Therefore it is probably between 3 and 5pm

early afternoon

It is an hour or two either way. Here is what the email says "We’ll release admissions decisions for applicants in the Early Decision II round late afternoon on February 10. "

Earlier is better if that is indeed the case :slight_smile:

I have never seen such a quiet thread! Oh my!! :rofl:


ED2 Decision is out now!!! Good Luck!



3.75 GPA UW
Strong ECs
Test Optional:)



Congrats! Are you taking it?

Congrats to all accepted! Just for reference (for future applicants)
3.9uw. Middle College at competitive HS in Bay Area applying for Poli Sci/Philosophy
Decent extracurriculars, (likely) decent recs
WashU Summer Scholars program
ED1 Dartmouth defer, ED2 WashU rej
Not… very sad? But not happy either

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DD got accepted today… so happy. 3.92 UW, 4.36 W, 1520 SAT, 34 ACT, many leadership roles (club president), 1 year hospital volunteer, 11+APs, most likely strong teacher rec, strong essays. Biology major.


ED so don’t I have to?

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Based on purely anecdotal data, it appears WashU is grappling with institutional priorities, which is entirely understandable, but very disappointing to a passionate, engaged, multi-faceted, high stat waitlisted kid who still cares deeply about WashU. I’m not sure if ED1 would have gone differently, but ED2 presents more complicated options, seemingly more aligned with filling in specific gaps.


S22 accepted ED2. 4.0 UW and 1550 sat (one sitting)(780 v and 770 math).


My bad, but I hear some people don’t get the right financial aid and can bail.

My daughter got accepted to ED2. Did anyone hear anything about scholarships?


What do you mean by that, @Search2022?

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